

Link to code

Wraps the executable command petpvc.

Use PETPVC for partial volume correction of PET images.

PETPVC is a software from the Nuclear Medicine Department of the UCL University Hospital, London, UK.

Its source code is here:

The methods that it implement are explained here: K. Erlandsson, I. Buvat, P. H. Pretorius, B. A. Thomas, and B. F. Hutton, “A review of partial volume correction techniques for emission tomography and their applications in neurology, cardiology and oncology,” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 57, no. 21, p. R119, 2012.

Its command line help shows this:

-i –input < filename >
= PET image file
-o –output < filename >
= Output file
[ -m –mask < filename > ]
= Mask image file
-p –pvc < keyword >
= Desired PVC method
-x < X > = The full-width at half maximum in mm along x-axis
-y < Y > = The full-width at half maximum in mm along y-axis
-z < Z > = The full-width at half maximum in mm along z-axis
[ -d –debug ]
= Prints debug information
[ -n –iter [ Val ] ]
= Number of iterations
With: Val (Default = 10)
[ -k [ Val ] ]
= Number of deconvolution iterations
With: Val (Default = 10)
[ -a –alpha [ aval ] ]
= Alpha value
With: aval (Default = 1.5)
[ -s –stop [ stopval ] ]
= Stopping criterion
With: stopval (Default = 0.01)

Technique - keyword

  • Geometric transfer matrix - “GTM”
  • Labbe approach - “LABBE”
  • Richardson-Lucy - “RL”
  • Van-Cittert - “VC”
  • Region-based voxel-wise correction - “RBV”
  • RBV with Labbe - “LABBE+RBV”
  • RBV with Van-Cittert - “RBV+VC”
  • RBV with Richardson-Lucy - “RBV+RL”
  • RBV with Labbe and Van-Cittert - “LABBE+RBV+VC”
  • RBV with Labbe and Richardson-Lucy- “LABBE+RBV+RL”
  • Multi-target correction - “MTC”
  • MTC with Labbe - “LABBE+MTC”
  • MTC with Van-Cittert - “MTC+VC”
  • MTC with Richardson-Lucy - “MTC+RL”
  • MTC with Labbe and Van-Cittert - “LABBE+MTC+VC”
  • MTC with Labbe and Richardson-Lucy- “LABBE+MTC+RL”
  • Iterative Yang - “IY”
  • Iterative Yang with Van-Cittert - “IY+VC”
  • Iterative Yang with Richardson-Lucy - “IY+RL”
  • Muller Gartner - “MG”
  • Muller Gartner with Van-Cittert - “MG+VC”
  • Muller Gartner with Richardson-Lucy - “MG+RL”


>>> from ..testing import example_data
>>> #TODO get data for PETPVC
>>> pvc = PETPVC()
>>> pvc.inputs.in_file   = 'pet.nii.gz'
>>> pvc.inputs.mask_file = 'tissues.nii.gz'
>>> pvc.inputs.out_file  = 'pet_pvc_rbv.nii.gz'
>>> pvc.inputs.pvc = 'RBV'
>>> pvc.inputs.fwhm_x = 2.0
>>> pvc.inputs.fwhm_y = 2.0
>>> pvc.inputs.fwhm_z = 2.0
>>> outs = 


in_file: (an existing file name)
        PET image file
        argument: ``-i %s``
mask_file: (an existing file name)
        Mask image file
        argument: ``-m %s``
pvc: ('GTM' or 'IY' or 'IY+RL' or 'IY+VC' or 'LABBE' or 'LABBE+MTC'
          or 'LABBE+MTC+RL' or 'LABBE+MTC+VC' or 'LABBE+RBV' or
          'LABBE+RBV+RL' or 'LABBE+RBV+VC' or 'MG' or 'MG+RL' or 'MG+VC' or
          'MTC' or 'MTC+RL' or 'MTC+VC' or 'RBV' or 'RBV+RL' or 'RBV+VC' or
          'RL' or 'VC')
        Desired PVC method
        argument: ``-p %s``
fwhm_x: (a float)
        The full-width at half maximum in mm along x-axis
        argument: ``-x %.4f``
fwhm_y: (a float)
        The full-width at half maximum in mm along y-axis
        argument: ``-y %.4f``
fwhm_z: (a float)
        The full-width at half maximum in mm along z-axis
        argument: ``-z %.4f``

out_file: (a file name)
        Output file
        argument: ``-o %s``
debug: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Prints debug information
        argument: ``-d``
n_iter: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 10)
        Number of iterations
        argument: ``-n %d``
n_deconv: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 10)
        Number of deconvolution iterations
        argument: ``-k %d``
alpha: (a float, nipype default value: 1.5)
        Alpha value
        argument: ``-a %.4f``
stop_crit: (a float, nipype default value: 0.01)
        Stopping criterion
        argument: ``-a %.4f``
args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        argument: ``%s``
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
          of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a
          value of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables


out_file: (a file name)
        Output file

