


Gorgolewski, Krzysztof J.; Esteban, Oscar; Burns, Christopher; Ziegler, Erik; Pinsard, Basile; Madison, Cindee; Waskom, Michael; Ellis, David Gage; Clark, Dav; Wong, Jason; Dayan, Michael; Manhães-Savio, Alexandre; Notter, Michael Philipp; Johnson, Hans; Dewey, Blake E; Halchenko, Yaroslav O.; Hamalainen, Carlo; Keshavan, Anisha; Clark, Daniel; Huntenburg, Julia M.; Hanke, Michael; Nichols, B. Nolan; Wassermann , Demian; Eshaghi, Arman; Markiewicz, Christopher J.; Varoquaux, Gael; Acland, Benjamin; Forbes, Jessica; Rokem, Ariel; Kong, Xiang-Zhen; Gramfort, Alexandre; Kleesiek, Jens; Schaefer, Alexander; Sikka, Sharad; Perez-Guevara, Martin Felipe; Glatard, Tristan; Iqbal, Shariq; Liu, Siqi; Welch, David; Sharp, Paul; Warner, Joshua; Kastman, Erik; Lampe, Leonie; Perkins, L. Nathan; Craddock, R. Cameron; Küttner, René; Bielievtsov, Dmytro; Geisler, Daniel; Gerhard, Stephan; Liem, Franziskus; Linkersdörfer, Janosch; Margulies, Daniel S.; Andberg, Sami Kristian; Stadler, Jörg; Steele, Christopher John; Broderick, William; Cipollini, Ben; Cooper, Gavin; Floren, Andrew; Huang, Lijie; Gonzalez, Ivan; McNamee, Daniel; Papadopoulos Orfanos, Dimitri; Pellman, John; Triplett, William; Goncalves, Mathias; Durnez, Joke; Ghosh, Satrajit (2017). Nipype: a flexible, lightweight and extensible neuroimaging data processing framework in Python. 0.13.0 Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.50186

  author       = {Gorgolewski, Krzysztof J. and
                  Esteban, Oscar and
                  Burns, Christopher and
                  Ziegler, Erik and
                  Pinsard, Basile and
                  Madison, Cindee and
                  Waskom, Michael and
                  Ellis, David Gage and
                  Clark, Dav and
                  Wong, Jason and
                  Dayan, Michael and
                  Manhães-Savio, Alexandre and
                  Notter, Michael Philipp and
                  Johnson, Hans and
                  Dewey, Blake E and
                  Halchenko, Yaroslav O. and
                  Hamalainen, Carlo and
                  Keshavan, Anisha and
                  Clark, Daniel and
                  Huntenburg, Julia M. and
                  Hanke, Michael and
                  Nichols, B. Nolan and
                  Wassermann , Demian and
                  Eshaghi, Arman and
                  Markiewicz, Christopher J. and
                  Varoquaux, Gael and
                  Acland, Benjamin and
                  Forbes, Jessica and
                  Rokem, Ariel and
                  Kong, Xiang-Zhen and
                  Gramfort, Alexandre and
                  Kleesiek, Jens and
                  Schaefer, Alexander and
                  Sikka, Sharad and
                  Perez-Guevara, Martin Felipe and
                  Glatard, Tristan and
                  Iqbal, Shariq and
                  Liu, Siqi and
                  Welch, David and
                  Sharp, Paul and
                  Warner, Joshua and
                  Kastman, Erik and
                  Lampe, Leonie and
                  Perkins, L. Nathan and
                  Craddock, R. Cameron and
                  Küttner, René and
                  Bielievtsov, Dmytro and
                  Geisler, Daniel and
                  Gerhard, Stephan and
                  Liem, Franziskus and
                  Linkersdörfer, Janosch and
                  Margulies, Daniel S. and
                  Andberg, Sami Kristian and
                  Stadler, Jörg and
                  Steele, Christopher John and
                  Broderick, William and
                  Cipollini, Ben and
                  Cooper, Gavin and
                  Floren, Andrew and
                  Huang, Lijie and
                  Gonzalez, Ivan and
                  McNamee, Daniel and
                  Papadopoulos Orfanos, Dimitri and
                  Pellman, John and
                  Triplett, William and
                  Goncalves, Mathias and
                  Durnez, Joke and
                  Ghosh, Satrajit},
  title        = {{Nipype: a flexible, lightweight and extensible
                   neuroimaging data processing framework in Python.
  month        = may,
  year         = 2017,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.575897},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.575897}

If you are a Nipype contributor and your name is not mentioned above please submit a Pull Request modifying .zenodo.json file.

When publishing results obtained using Nipype we strongly encourage citing the above reference to give credit to all Nipype contributors. However, if for some reason the journal you are publishing with does not allow you do cite software this way you can use the initial paper published in 2011 (see below).


Gorgolewski K, Burns CD, Madison C, Clark D, Halchenko YO, Waskom ML, Ghosh SS. (2011). Nipype: a flexible, lightweight and extensible neuroimaging data processing framework in Python. Front. Neuroimform. 5:13.

Download Paper

@article { Gorgolewski2011,
    title            = "Nipype: a flexible, lightweight and extensible neuroimaging data processing framework in python.",
    year             = "2011",
    author           = "Krzysztof Gorgolewski and Christopher D Burns and Cindee Madison and Dav Clark and Yaroslav O Halchenko and Michael L Waskom and Satrajit S Ghosh",
    journal          = "Front Neuroinform",
    volume           = "5",
    month            = "08",
    doi              = "10.3389/fninf.2011.00013",
    pubmed           = "21897815",
    url              = "http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fninf.2011.00013",
    issn             = "1662-5196"}

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