
Module: caching.memory

Inheritance diagram for nipype.caching.memory:

Inheritance diagram of nipype.caching.memory

Using nipype with persistence and lazy recomputation but without explicit name-steps pipeline: getting back scope in command-line based programming.

Change directory to provide relative paths for doctests >>> import os >>> filepath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) ) >>> datadir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(filepath, ‘../testing/data’)) >>> os.chdir(datadir)



class nipype.caching.memory.Memory(base_dir)

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Memory context to provide caching for interfaces


base_dir: string :

The directory name of the location for the caching


cache(interface) Returns a callable that caches the output of an interface
clear_previous_runs([warn]) Remove all the cache that where not used in the latest run of the memory object: i.e.
clear_previous_runs([warn]) Remove all the cache that where not used in the latest run of the memory object: i.e.

Returns a callable that caches the output of an interface


interface: nipype interface :

The nipype interface class to be wrapped and cached


pipe_func: a PipeFunc callable object :

An object that can be used as a function to apply the interface to arguments. Inputs of the interface are given as keyword arguments, bearing the same name as the name in the inputs specs of the interface.


>>> from tempfile import mkdtemp
>>> mem = Memory(mkdtemp())
>>> from nipype.interfaces import fsl

Here we create a callable that can be used to apply an fsl.Merge interface to files

>>> fsl_merge = mem.cache(fsl.Merge)

Now we apply it to a list of files. We need to specify the list of input files and the dimension along which the files should be merged.

>>> results = fsl_merge(in_files=['a.nii', 'b.nii'],
...                     dimension='t') 

We can retrieve the resulting file from the outputs: >>> results.outputs.merged_file # doctest: +SKIP ‘...’


Remove all the cache that where not used in the latest run of the memory object: i.e. since the corresponding Python object was created.


warn: boolean, optional :

If true, echoes warning messages for all directory removed

clear_runs_since(day=None, month=None, year=None, warn=True)

Remove all the cache that where not used since the given date


day, month, year: integers, optional :

The integers specifying the latest day (in localtime) that a node should have been accessed to be kept. If not given, the current date is used.

warn: boolean, optional :

If true, echoes warning messages for all directory removed



class nipype.caching.memory.PipeFunc(interface, base_dir, callback=None)

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

Callable interface to nipype.interface objects

Use this to wrap nipype.interface object and call them specifying their input with keyword arguments:

fsl_merge = PipeFunc(fsl.Merge, base_dir='.')
out = fsl_merge(in_files=files, dimension='t')


__init__(interface, base_dir, callback=None)

interface: a nipype interface class :

The interface class to wrap

base_dir: a string :

The directory in which the computation will be stored

callback: a callable :

An optional callable called each time after the function is called.



nipype.caching.memory.read_log(filename, run_dict=None)
nipype.caching.memory.rm_all_but(base_dir, dirs_to_keep, warn=False)

Remove all the sub-directories of base_dir, but those listed


base_dir: string :

The base directory

dirs_to_keep: set :

The names of the directories to keep