Download and install

This page covers the necessary steps to install Nipype.

Nipype for users

Using conda

Installing nipype from the conda-forge channel can be achieved by adding conda-forge to your channels with:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Once the conda-forge channel has been enabled, nipype can be installed with:

conda install nipype

It is possible to list all of the versions of nipype available on your platform with:

conda search nipype --channel conda-forge

For more information, please see

Using Pypi

The installation process is similar to other Python packages.

If you already have a Python environment set up, you can do:

easy_install nipype


pip install nipype

Debian and Ubuntu

Add the NeuroDebian repository and install the python-nipype package using apt-get or your favorite package manager.

Mac OS X

The easiest way to get nipype running on Mac OS X is to install Anaconda or Canopy and then add nipype by executing:

easy_install nipype

From source

The current release is found here:

The development version: [zip tar.gz]

For previous versions: prior downloads

If you downloaded the source distribution named something like nipype-x.y.tar.gz, then unpack the tarball, change into the nipype-x.y directory and install nipype using:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Note: Depending on permissions you may need to use sudo.

Nipype for developers

To check out the latest development version:

git clone git://


git clone

After cloning:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop

Check out the list of nipype’s current dependencies.

Testing the install

The best way to test the install is to run the test suite. If you have nose installed, then do the following:

python -c "import nipype; nipype.test()"

you can also test with nosetests:

nosetests --with-doctest <installation filepath>/nipype  --exclude=external --exclude=testing


nosetests --with-doctest nipype

A successful test run should complete in a few minutes and end with something like:

Ran 13053 tests in 126.618s

OK (SKIP=66)

All tests should pass (unless you’re missing a dependency). If SUBJECTS_DIR variable is not set some FreeSurfer related tests will fail. If any tests fail, please report them on our bug tracker.

On Debian systems, set the following environment variable before running tests:

export MATLABCMD=$pathtomatlabdir/bin/$platform/MATLAB

where $pathtomatlabdir is the path to your matlab installation and $platform is the directory referring to x86 or x64 installations (typically glnxa64 on 64-bit installations).

Avoiding any MATLAB calls from testing

On unix systems, set an empty environment variable:


This will skip any tests that require matlab.