nipype.utils.filemanip module

Miscellaneous file manipulation functions


Windows requires that environment be dicts with str as keys and values This function converts any unicode entries for Windows only, returning the dictionary untouched in other environments.


env (dict) – environment dictionary with unicode or bytes keys and values


env – Windows: environment dictionary with str keys and values Other: untouched input env

Return type:


nipype.utils.filemanip.check_depends(targets, dependencies)

Return true if all targets exist and are newer than all dependencies.

An OSError will be raised if there are missing dependencies.


checks if file has a hash in its filename

nipype.utils.filemanip.copyfile(originalfile, newfile, copy=False, create_new=False, hashmethod=None, use_hardlink=False, copy_related_files=True)

Copy or link originalfile to newfile.

If use_hardlink is True, and the file can be hard-linked, then a link is created, instead of copying the file.

If a hard link is not created and copy is False, then a symbolic link is created.

  • originalfile (str) – full path to original file

  • newfile (str) – full path to new file

  • copy (Bool) – specifies whether to copy or symlink files (default=False) but only for POSIX systems

  • use_hardlink (Bool) – specifies whether to hard-link files, when able (Default=False), taking precedence over copy

  • copy_related_files (Bool) – specifies whether to also operate on related files, as defined in related_filetype_sets

Return type:


nipype.utils.filemanip.copyfiles(filelist, dest, copy=False, create_new=False)

Copy or symlink files in filelist to dest directory.

  • filelist (list) – List of files to copy.

  • dest (path/files) – full path to destination. If it is a list of length greater than 1, then it assumes that these are the names of the new files.

  • copy (Bool) – specifies whether to copy or symlink files (default=False) but only for posix systems

Return type:


nipype.utils.filemanip.crash2txt(filename, record)

Write out plain text crash file


Is distribution an editable install?

  • dist (string) – Package name

  • # Borrowed from `pip`’s’ API

nipype.utils.filemanip.emptydirs(path, noexist_ok=False)

Empty an existing directory, without deleting it. Do not raise error if the path does not exist and noexist_ok is True.


path (directory that should be empty)


Returns a list given either a string or a list


Returns a list given either a string or a list

nipype.utils.filemanip.fname_presuffix(fname, prefix='', suffix='', newpath=None, use_ext=True)

Manipulates path and name of input filename

  • fname (string) – A filename (may or may not include path)

  • prefix (string) – Characters to prepend to the filename

  • suffix (string) – Characters to append to the filename

  • newpath (string) – Path to replace the path of the input fname

  • use_ext (boolean) – If True (default), appends the extension of the original file to the output name.


  • Absolute path of the modified filename

  • >>> from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix

  • >>> fname = ‘foo.nii.gz’

  • >>> fname_presuffix(fname,’pre’,’post’,’/tmp’)

  • ’/tmp/prefoopost.nii.gz’

  • >>> from nipype.interfaces.base import Undefined

  • >>> fname_presuffix(fname, ‘pre’, ‘post’, Undefined) == fname_presuffix(fname, ‘pre’, ‘post’)

  • True

nipype.utils.filemanip.fnames_presuffix(fnames, prefix='', suffix='', newpath=None, use_ext=True)

Calls fname_presuffix for a list of files.

nipype.utils.filemanip.get_dependencies(name, environ)

Return library dependencies of a dynamically linked executable

Uses otool on darwin, ldd on linux. Currently doesn’t support windows.

Returns a list of related files, as defined in related_filetype_sets, for a filename. (e.g., Nifti-Pair, Analyze (SPM) and AFNI files).

  • filename (str) – File name to find related filetypes of.

  • include_this_file (bool) – If true, output includes the input filename.

nipype.utils.filemanip.hash_infile(afile, chunk_len=8192, crypto=<built-in function openssl_md5>, raise_notfound=False)

Computes hash of a file using ‘crypto’ module

>>> hash_infile('smri_ants_registration_settings.json')
>>> hash_infile('surf01.vtk')
>>> hash_infile('spminfo')
>>> hash_infile('fsl_motion_outliers_fd.txt')
nipype.utils.filemanip.hash_rename(filename, hashvalue)

renames a file given original filename and hash and sets path to output_directory


Computes md5 hash of the timestamp of a file


Returns a list if filelist is a list of length greater than 1, otherwise returns the first element


Load data from a json file


filename (str) – Filename to load data from.



Return type:


nipype.utils.filemanip.loadcrash(infile, *args)

Load a zipped or plain cPickled file.


Checks whether a file path is on a CIFS filesystem mounted in a POSIX host (i.e., has the mount command).

On Windows, Docker mounts host directories into containers through CIFS shares, which has support for Minshall+French symlinks, or text files that the CIFS driver exposes to the OS as symlinks. We have found that under concurrent access to the filesystem, this feature can result in failures to create or read recently-created symlinks, leading to inconsistent behavior and FileNotFoundError.

This check is written to support disabling symlinks on CIFS shares.

nipype.utils.filemanip.path_resolve(path, strict=False)
nipype.utils.filemanip.read_stream(stream, logger=None, encoding=None)

Robustly reads a stream, sending a warning to a logger if some decoding error was raised.

>>> read_stream(bytearray([65, 0xc7, 65, 10, 66]))  
['A...A', 'B']
nipype.utils.filemanip.relpath(path, start=None)

Return a relative version of a path

nipype.utils.filemanip.save_json(filename, data)

Save data to a json file

  • filename (str) – Filename to save data in.

  • data (dict) – Dictionary to save in json file.

nipype.utils.filemanip.savepkl(filename, record, versioning=False)

Equivalent to rm -f, returns False if the file did not exist.


filename (str) – file to be deleted


Returns a list if filelist is a list of length greater than 1, otherwise returns the first element


Split a filename into parts: path, base filename and extension.


fname (str) – file or path name


  • pth (str) – base path from fname

  • fname (str) – filename from fname, without extension

  • ext (str) – file extension from fname


>>> from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename
>>> pth, fname, ext = split_filename('/home/data/subject.nii.gz')
>>> pth
>>> fname
>>> ext
nipype.utils.filemanip.which(cmd, env=None, pathext=None)

Return the path to an executable which would be run if the given cmd was called. If no cmd would be called, return None.

Code for Python < 3.3 is based on a code snippet from

nipype.utils.filemanip.write_rst_dict(info, prefix='')
nipype.utils.filemanip.write_rst_header(header, level=0)
nipype.utils.filemanip.write_rst_list(items, prefix='')