nipype.interfaces.dcmstack module

dcmstack allows series of DICOM images to be stacked into multi-dimensional arrays.


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Bases: BaseInterface

Copy meta data from one Nifti file to another. Useful for preserving meta data after some processing steps.

Mandatory Inputs
  • dest_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file)

  • src_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file)

Optional Inputs
  • exclude_classes (a list of items which are any value) – List of meta data classifications to exclude.

  • include_classes (a list of items which are any value) – List of specific meta data classifications to include. If not specified include everything.


dest_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file)


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Bases: NiftiGeneratorBase

Create one Nifti file from a set of DICOM files. Can optionally embed meta data.


>>> from nipype.interfaces.dcmstack import DcmStack
>>> stacker = DcmStack()
>>> stacker.inputs.dicom_files = 'path/to/series/'
>>> result.outputs.out_file 
Mandatory Inputs

dicom_files (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file or a pathlike object or string representing an existing directory or a unicode string)

Optional Inputs
  • embed_meta (a boolean) – Embed DICOM meta data into result.

  • exclude_regexes (a list of items which are any value) – Meta data to exclude, suplementing any default exclude filters.

  • force_read (a boolean) – Force reading files without DICM marker. (Nipype default value: True)

  • include_regexes (a list of items which are any value) – Meta data to include, overriding any exclude filters.

  • out_ext (a unicode string) – Determines output file type. (Nipype default value: .nii.gz)

  • out_format (a unicode string) – String which can be formatted with meta data to create the output filename(s).

  • out_path (a pathlike object or string representing a directory) – Output path, current working directory if not set.


out_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file)


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Bases: DcmStack

Create (potentially) multiple Nifti files for a set of DICOM files.

Mandatory Inputs

dicom_files (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file or a pathlike object or string representing an existing directory or a unicode string)

Optional Inputs
  • embed_meta (a boolean) – Embed DICOM meta data into result.

  • exclude_regexes (a list of items which are any value) – Meta data to exclude, suplementing any default exclude filters.

  • force_read (a boolean) – Force reading files without DICM marker. (Nipype default value: True)

  • include_regexes (a list of items which are any value) – Meta data to include, overriding any exclude filters.

  • out_ext (a unicode string) – Determines output file type. (Nipype default value: .nii.gz)

  • out_format (a unicode string) – String which can be formatted with meta data to create the output filename(s).

  • out_path (a pathlike object or string representing a directory) – Output path, current working directory if not set.


out_list (a list of items which are any value) – List of output nifti files.


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Bases: BaseInterface

Lookup meta data values from a Nifti with embedded meta data.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import dcmstack
>>> lookup = dcmstack.LookupMeta()
>>> lookup.inputs.in_file = 'functional.nii'
>>> lookup.inputs.meta_keys = {'RepetitionTime' : 'TR',                                    'EchoTime' : 'TE'}
>>> result = 
>>> result.outputs.TR 
>>> result.outputs.TE 
Mandatory Inputs
  • in_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – The input Nifti file.

  • meta_keys (a list of items which are any value or a dictionary with keys which are any value and with values which are any value) – List of meta data keys to lookup, or a dict where keys specify the meta data keys to lookup and the values specify the output names.


alias of nipype.interfaces.base.specs.DynamicTraitedSpec


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Bases: NiftiGeneratorBase

Merge multiple Nifti files into one. Merges together meta data extensions as well.

Mandatory Inputs

in_files (a list of items which are any value) – List of Nifti files to merge.

Optional Inputs
  • merge_dim (an integer (int or long)) – Dimension to merge along. If not specified, the last singular or non-existant dimension is used.

  • out_ext (a unicode string) – Determines output file type. (Nipype default value: .nii.gz)

  • out_format (a unicode string) – String which can be formatted with meta data to create the output filename(s).

  • out_path (a pathlike object or string representing a directory) – Output path, current working directory if not set.

  • sort_order (a unicode string or a list of items which are any value) – One or more meta data keys to sort files by.


out_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Merged Nifti file.


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Bases: BaseInterface

Base class for interfaces that produce Nifti files, potentially with embedded meta data.


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Bases: NiftiGeneratorBase

Split one Nifti file into many along the specified dimension. Each result has an updated meta data extension as well.

Mandatory Inputs

in_file (a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Nifti file to split.

Optional Inputs
  • out_ext (a unicode string) – Determines output file type. (Nipype default value: .nii.gz)

  • out_format (a unicode string) – String which can be formatted with meta data to create the output filename(s).

  • out_path (a pathlike object or string representing a directory) – Output path, current working directory if not set.

  • split_dim (an integer (int or long)) – Dimension to split along. If not specified, the last dimension is used.


out_list (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Split Nifti files.

nipype.interfaces.dcmstack.make_key_func(meta_keys, index=None)