Auto-generated filenames

In refactoring the inputs in the traitlets branch I’m working through the different ways that filenames are generated and want to make sure the interface is consistent. The notes below are all using fsl.Bet as that’s the first class we’re Traiting. Other interface classes may handle this differently, but should agree on a convention and apply it across all Interfaces (if possible).

Current Rules

These rules are for fsl.Bet, but it appears they are the same for all fsl and spm Interfaces.

Bet has two mandatory parameters, infile and outfile. These are the rules for how they are handled in different use cases.

  1. If infile or outfile are absolute paths, they are used as-is and never changed. This allows users to override any filename/path generation.

  2. If outfile is not specified, a filename is generated.

  3. Generated filenames (at least for outfile) are based on:

  • infile, the filename minus the extensions.

  • A suffix specified by the Interface. For example Bet uses _brain suffix.

  • The current working directory, os.getcwd(). Example:

    If infile == ‘foo.nii’ and the cwd is /home/cburns then generated outfile for Bet will be /home/cburns/foo_brain.nii.gz

  1. If outfile is not an absolute path, for instance just a filename, the absolute path is generated using os.path.realpath. This absolute path is needed to make sure the packages (Bet in this case) write the output file to a location of our choosing. The generated absolute path is only used in the cmdline at runtime and does __not__ overwrite the class attr self.inputs.outfile. It is generated only when the cmdline is invoked.

Walking through some examples

In this example we assign infile directly but outfile is generated in Bet._parse_inputs based on infile. The generated outfile is only used in the cmdline at runtime and not stored in self.inputs.outfile. This seems correct.

In [15]: from nipype.interfaces import fsl

In [16]: mybet = fsl.Bet()

In [17]: mybet.inputs.infile = 'foo.nii'

In [18]: res =

In [19]: res.runtime.cmdline
Out[19]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/foo_brain.nii.gz'

In [21]: mybet.inputs
Out[21]: Bunch(center=None, flags=None, frac=None, functional=None,
infile='foo.nii', mask=None, mesh=None, nooutput=None, outfile=None,
outline=None, radius=None, reduce_bias=None, skull=None, threshold=None,
verbose=None, vertical_gradient=None)

In [24]: mybet.cmdline
Out[24]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/foo_brain.nii.gz'

In [25]: mybet.inputs.outfile

In [26]: mybet.inputs.infile
Out[26]: 'foo.nii'

We get the same behavior here when we assign infile at initialization:

In [28]: mybet = fsl.Bet(infile='foo.nii')

In [29]: mybet.cmdline
Out[29]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/foo_brain.nii.gz'

In [30]: mybet.inputs
Out[30]: Bunch(center=None, flags=None, frac=None, functional=None,
infile='foo.nii', mask=None, mesh=None, nooutput=None, outfile=None,
outline=None, radius=None, reduce_bias=None, skull=None, threshold=None,
verbose=None, vertical_gradient=None)

In [31]: res =

In [32]: res.runtime.cmdline
Out[32]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/foo_brain.nii.gz'

Here we specify absolute paths for both infile and outfile. The command line’s look as expected:

In [53]: import os

In [54]: mybet = fsl.Bet()

In [55]: mybet.inputs.infile = os.path.join('/Users/cburns/tmp/junk', 'foo.nii')
In [56]: mybet.inputs.outfile = os.path.join('/Users/cburns/tmp/junk', 'bar.nii')

In [57]: mybet.cmdline
Out[57]: 'bet /Users/cburns/tmp/junk/foo.nii /Users/cburns/tmp/junk/bar.nii'

In [58]: res =

In [59]: res.runtime.cmdline
Out[59]: 'bet /Users/cburns/tmp/junk/foo.nii /Users/cburns/tmp/junk/bar.nii'

Here passing in a new outfile in the run method will update mybet.inputs.outfile to the passed in value. Should this be the case?

In [110]: mybet = fsl.Bet(infile='foo.nii', outfile='bar.nii')

In [111]: mybet.inputs.outfile
Out[111]: 'bar.nii'

In [112]: mybet.cmdline
Out[112]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/bar.nii'

In [113]: res = = os.path.join('/Users/cburns/tmp/junk', 'not_bar.nii'))

In [114]: mybet.inputs.outfile
Out[114]: '/Users/cburns/tmp/junk/not_bar.nii'

In [115]: mybet.cmdline
Out[115]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/tmp/junk/not_bar.nii'

In this case we provide outfile but not as an absolue path, so the absolue path is generated and used for the cmdline when run, but mybet.inputs.outfile is not updated with the absolute path.

In [74]: mybet = fsl.Bet(infile='foo.nii', outfile='bar.nii')

In [75]: mybet.inputs.outfile
Out[75]: 'bar.nii'

In [76]: mybet.cmdline
Out[76]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/bar.nii'

In [77]: res =

In [78]: res.runtime.cmdline
Out[78]: 'bet foo.nii /Users/cburns/src/nipy-sf/nipype/trunk/nipype/interfaces/tests/bar.nii'

In [80]: res.interface.inputs.outfile
Out[80]: 'bar.nii'