nipype.interfaces.minc.base module

The minc module provides classes for interfacing with the MINC command line tools. This module was written to work with MINC version 2.2.00.

Author: Carlo Hamalainen <>

class nipype.interfaces.minc.base.Info

Bases: object

Handle MINC version information.

version refers to the version of MINC on the system

static version()

Check for minc version on the system




version – Version number as dict or None if MINC not found

Return type


nipype.interfaces.minc.base.aggregate_filename(files, new_suffix)

Try to work out a sensible name given a set of files that have been combined in some way (e.g. averaged). If we can’t work out a sensible prefix, we use the first filename in the list.


>>> from nipype.interfaces.minc.base import aggregate_filename
>>> f = aggregate_filename(['/tmp/foo1.mnc', '/tmp/foo2.mnc', '/tmp/foo3.mnc'], 'averaged')
>>> os.path.split(f)[1] # This has a full path, so just check the filename.
>>> f = aggregate_filename(['/tmp/foo1.mnc', '/tmp/blah1.mnc'], 'averaged')
>>> os.path.split(f)[1] # This has a full path, so just check the filename.

Returns True if and only if MINC is installed.’


Returns True if and only if MINC is not installed.