nipype.algorithms.modelgen module

The modelgen module provides classes for specifying designs for individual subject analysis of task-based fMRI experiments. In particular it also includes algorithms for generating regressors for sparse and sparse-clustered acquisition experiments.


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Bases: BaseInterface

Makes a model specification compatible with spm/fsl designers.

The subject_info field should contain paradigm information in the form of a Bunch or a list of Bunch. The Bunch should contain the following information:

conditions : list of names
onsets : lists of onsets corresponding to each condition
durations : lists of durations corresponding to each condition. Should be
    left to a single 0 if all events are being modelled as impulses.

regressor_names : list of str
    list of names corresponding to each column. Should be None if
    automatically assigned.
regressors : list of lists
    values for each regressor - must correspond to the number of
    volumes in the functional run
amplitudes : lists of amplitudes for each event. This will be ignored by
    SPM's Level1Design.

The following two (tmod, pmod) will be ignored by any Level1Design class
other than SPM:

tmod : lists of conditions that should be temporally modulated. Should
    default to None if not being used.
pmod : list of Bunch corresponding to conditions
  - name : name of parametric modulator
  - param : values of the modulator
  - poly : degree of modulation

Alternatively, you can provide information through event files.

The event files have to be in 1, 2 or 3 column format with the columns corresponding to Onsets, Durations and Amplitudes and they have to have the name event_name.runXXX… e.g.: Words.run001.txt. The event_name part will be used to create the condition names.


>>> from nipype.algorithms import modelgen
>>> from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
>>> s = modelgen.SpecifyModel()
>>> s.inputs.input_units = 'secs'
>>> s.inputs.functional_runs = ['functional2.nii', 'functional3.nii']
>>> s.inputs.time_repetition = 6
>>> s.inputs.high_pass_filter_cutoff = 128.
>>> evs_run2 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1'], onsets=[[2, 50, 100, 180]], durations=[[1]])
>>> evs_run3 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1'], onsets=[[30, 40, 100, 150]], durations=[[1]])
>>> s.inputs.subject_info = [evs_run2, evs_run3]
>>> # Using pmod
>>> evs_run2 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1', 'cond2'], onsets=[[2, 50], [100, 180]], durations=[[0], [0]], pmod=[Bunch(name=['amp'], poly=[2], param=[[1, 2]]), None])
>>> evs_run3 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1', 'cond2'], onsets=[[20, 120], [80, 160]], durations=[[0], [0]], pmod=[Bunch(name=['amp'], poly=[2], param=[[1, 2]]), None])
>>> s.inputs.subject_info = [evs_run2, evs_run3]
Mandatory Inputs
  • bids_event_file (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – TSV event file containing common BIDS fields: onset,`duration`, and categorization and amplitude columns. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • event_files (a list of items which are a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – List of event description files 1, 2 or 3 column format corresponding to onsets, durations and amplitudes. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • functional_runs (a list of items which are a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file or a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Data files for model. List of 4D files or list of list of 3D files per session.

  • high_pass_filter_cutoff (a float) – High-pass filter cutoff in secs.

  • input_units (‘secs’ or ‘scans’) – Units of event onsets and durations (secs or scans). Output units are always in secs.

  • subject_info (a list of items which are a Bunch or None) – Bunch or List(Bunch) subject-specific condition information. see SpecifyModel or for details. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • time_repetition (a float) – Time between the start of one volume to the start of the next image volume.

Optional Inputs
  • bids_amplitude_column (a string) – Column of the file passed to bids_event_file according to which to assign amplitudes to events.

  • bids_condition_column (a string) – Column of the file passed to bids_event_file to the unique values of which events will be assignedto regressors. (Nipype default value: trial_type)

  • outlier_files (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Files containing scan outlier indices that should be tossed.

  • parameter_source (‘SPM’ or ‘FSL’ or ‘AFNI’ or ‘FSFAST’ or ‘NIPY’) – Source of motion parameters. (Nipype default value: SPM)

  • realignment_parameters (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Realignment parameters returned by motion correction algorithm.


session_info (any value) – Session info for level1designs.


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Bases: SpecifyModel

Add SPM specific options to SpecifyModel


  • concatenate_runs

  • output_units


>>> from nipype.algorithms import modelgen
>>> from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
>>> s = modelgen.SpecifySPMModel()
>>> s.inputs.input_units = 'secs'
>>> s.inputs.output_units = 'scans'
>>> s.inputs.high_pass_filter_cutoff = 128.
>>> s.inputs.functional_runs = ['functional2.nii', 'functional3.nii']
>>> s.inputs.time_repetition = 6
>>> s.inputs.concatenate_runs = True
>>> evs_run2 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1'], onsets=[[2, 50, 100, 180]], durations=[[1]])
>>> evs_run3 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1'], onsets=[[30, 40, 100, 150]], durations=[[1]])
>>> s.inputs.subject_info = [evs_run2, evs_run3]
Mandatory Inputs
  • bids_event_file (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – TSV event file containing common BIDS fields: onset,`duration`, and categorization and amplitude columns. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • event_files (a list of items which are a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – List of event description files 1, 2 or 3 column format corresponding to onsets, durations and amplitudes. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • functional_runs (a list of items which are a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file or a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Data files for model. List of 4D files or list of list of 3D files per session.

  • high_pass_filter_cutoff (a float) – High-pass filter cutoff in secs.

  • input_units (‘secs’ or ‘scans’) – Units of event onsets and durations (secs or scans). Output units are always in secs.

  • subject_info (a list of items which are a Bunch or None) – Bunch or List(Bunch) subject-specific condition information. see SpecifyModel or for details. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • time_repetition (a float) – Time between the start of one volume to the start of the next image volume.

Optional Inputs
  • bids_amplitude_column (a string) – Column of the file passed to bids_event_file according to which to assign amplitudes to events.

  • bids_condition_column (a string) – Column of the file passed to bids_event_file to the unique values of which events will be assignedto regressors. (Nipype default value: trial_type)

  • concatenate_runs (a boolean) – Concatenate all runs to look like a single session. (Nipype default value: False)

  • outlier_files (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Files containing scan outlier indices that should be tossed.

  • output_units (‘secs’ or ‘scans’) – Units of design event onsets and durations (secs or scans). (Nipype default value: secs)

  • parameter_source (‘SPM’ or ‘FSL’ or ‘AFNI’ or ‘FSFAST’ or ‘NIPY’) – Source of motion parameters. (Nipype default value: SPM)

  • realignment_parameters (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Realignment parameters returned by motion correction algorithm.


session_info (any value) – Session info for level1designs.


Link to code

Bases: SpecifyModel

Specify a sparse model that is compatible with SPM/FSL designers 1.


>>> from nipype.algorithms import modelgen
>>> from nipype.interfaces.base import Bunch
>>> s = modelgen.SpecifySparseModel()
>>> s.inputs.input_units = 'secs'
>>> s.inputs.functional_runs = ['functional2.nii', 'functional3.nii']
>>> s.inputs.time_repetition = 6
>>> s.inputs.time_acquisition = 2
>>> s.inputs.high_pass_filter_cutoff = 128.
>>> s.inputs.model_hrf = True
>>> evs_run2 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1'], onsets=[[2, 50, 100, 180]],
...                  durations=[[1]])
>>> evs_run3 = Bunch(conditions=['cond1'], onsets=[[30, 40, 100, 150]],
...                  durations=[[1]])
>>> s.inputs.subject_info = [evs_run2, evs_run3]  



Perrachione TK and Ghosh SS (2013) Optimized design and analysis of sparse-sampling fMRI experiments. Front. Neurosci. 7:55

Mandatory Inputs
  • bids_event_file (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – TSV event file containing common BIDS fields: onset,`duration`, and categorization and amplitude columns. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • event_files (a list of items which are a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – List of event description files 1, 2 or 3 column format corresponding to onsets, durations and amplitudes. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • functional_runs (a list of items which are a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file or a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Data files for model. List of 4D files or list of list of 3D files per session.

  • high_pass_filter_cutoff (a float) – High-pass filter cutoff in secs.

  • input_units (‘secs’ or ‘scans’) – Units of event onsets and durations (secs or scans). Output units are always in secs.

  • subject_info (a list of items which are a Bunch or None) – Bunch or List(Bunch) subject-specific condition information. see SpecifyModel or for details. Mutually exclusive with inputs: subject_info, event_files, bids_event_file.

  • time_acquisition (a float) – Time in seconds to acquire a single image volume.

  • time_repetition (a float) – Time between the start of one volume to the start of the next image volume.

Optional Inputs
  • bids_amplitude_column (a string) – Column of the file passed to bids_event_file according to which to assign amplitudes to events.

  • bids_condition_column (a string) – Column of the file passed to bids_event_file to the unique values of which events will be assignedto regressors. (Nipype default value: trial_type)

  • model_hrf (a boolean) – Model sparse events with hrf.

  • outlier_files (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Files containing scan outlier indices that should be tossed.

  • parameter_source (‘SPM’ or ‘FSL’ or ‘AFNI’ or ‘FSFAST’ or ‘NIPY’) – Source of motion parameters. (Nipype default value: SPM)

  • realignment_parameters (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – Realignment parameters returned by motion correction algorithm.

  • save_plot (a boolean) – Save plot of sparse design calculation (requires matplotlib).

  • scale_regressors (a boolean) – Scale regressors by the peak. (Nipype default value: True)

  • scan_onset (a float) – Start of scanning relative to onset of run in secs. (Nipype default value: 0.0)

  • stimuli_as_impulses (a boolean) – Treat each stimulus to be impulse-like. (Nipype default value: True)

  • use_temporal_deriv (a boolean) – Create a temporal derivative in addition to regular regressor. Requires inputs: model_hrf.

  • volumes_in_cluster (an integer >= 1) – Number of scan volumes in a cluster. (Nipype default value: 1)

  • session_info (any value) – Session info for level1designs.

  • sparse_png_file (a pathlike object or string representing a file) – PNG file showing sparse design.

  • sparse_svg_file (a pathlike object or string representing a file) – SVG file showing sparse design.

nipype.algorithms.modelgen.bids_gen_info(bids_event_files, condition_column='', amplitude_column=None, time_repetition=False)

Generate a subject_info structure from a list of BIDS .tsv event files.

  • bids_event_files (list of str) – Filenames of BIDS .tsv event files containing columns including: ‘onset’, ‘duration’, and ‘trial_type’ or the condition_column value.

  • condition_column (str) – Column of files in bids_event_files based on the values of which events will be sorted into different regressors

  • amplitude_column (str) – Column of files in bids_event_files based on the values of which to apply amplitudes to events. If unspecified, all events will be represented with an amplitude of 1.



Return type

list of Bunch

nipype.algorithms.modelgen.gcd(a, b)

Return the greatest common divisor of two integers (uses Euclid’s algorithm).


>>> gcd(4, 5)
>>> gcd(4, 8)
>>> gcd(22, 55)

Generate subject_info structure from a list of event files.

nipype.algorithms.modelgen.orth(x_in, y_in)

Orthogonalize y_in with respect to x_in.

>>> orth_expected = np.array([1.7142857142857144, 0.42857142857142883,                                   -0.85714285714285676])
>>> err = np.abs(np.array(orth([1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]) - orth_expected))
>>> all(err < np.finfo(float).eps)
nipype.algorithms.modelgen.scale_timings(timelist, input_units, output_units, time_repetition)

Scale timings given input and output units (scans/secs).

  • timelist (list of times to scale)

  • input_units (‘secs’ or ‘scans’)

  • output_units (Ibid.)

  • time_repetition (float in seconds)

nipype.algorithms.modelgen.spm_hrf(RT, P=None, fMRI_T=16)

python implementation of spm_hrf

See spm_hrf for implementation details:

% RT   - scan repeat time
% p    - parameters of the response function (two gamma
% functions)
% defaults  (seconds)
% p(0) - delay of response (relative to onset)       6
% p(1) - delay of undershoot (relative to onset)    16
% p(2) - dispersion of response                      1
% p(3) - dispersion of undershoot                    1
% p(4) - ratio of response to undershoot             6
% p(5) - onset (seconds)                             0
% p(6) - length of kernel (seconds)                 32
% hrf  - hemodynamic response function
% p    - parameters of the response function

The following code using scipy.stats.distributions.gamma doesn’t return the same result as the spm_Gpdf function:

hrf = gamma.pdf(u, p[0]/p[2], scale=dt/p[2]) -
      gamma.pdf(u, p[1]/p[3], scale=dt/p[3])/p[4]


>>> print(spm_hrf(2))
[  0.00000000e+00   8.65660810e-02   3.74888236e-01   3.84923382e-01
   2.16117316e-01   7.68695653e-02   1.62017720e-03  -3.06078117e-02
  -3.73060781e-02  -3.08373716e-02  -2.05161334e-02  -1.16441637e-02
  -5.82063147e-03  -2.61854250e-03  -1.07732374e-03  -4.10443522e-04