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Wraps the executable command tckgen.

Performs streamlines tractography after selecting the appropriate algorithm.

[FACT]Mori, S.; Crain, B. J.; Chacko, V. P. & van Zijl, P. C. M. Three-dimensional tracking of axonal projections in the brain by magnetic resonance imaging. Annals of Neurology, 1999, 45, 265-269
[iFOD1]Tournier, J.-D.; Calamante, F. & Connelly, A. MRtrix: Diffusion tractography in crossing fiber regions. Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol., 2012, 22, 53-66
[iFOD2]Tournier, J.-D.; Calamante, F. & Connelly, A. Improved probabilistic streamlines tractography by 2nd order integration over fibre orientation distributions. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2010, 1670
[Nulldist]Morris, D. M.; Embleton, K. V. & Parker, G. J. Probabilistic fibre tracking: Differentiation of connections from chance events. NeuroImage, 2008, 42, 1329-1339
[Tensor_Det]Basser, P. J.; Pajevic, S.; Pierpaoli, C.; Duda, J. and Aldroubi, A. In vivo fiber tractography using DT-MRI data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2000, 44, 625-632
[Tensor_Prob]Jones, D. Tractography Gone Wild: Probabilistic Fibre Tracking Using the Wild Bootstrap With Diffusion Tensor MRI. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2008, 27, 1268-1274


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> tk = mrt.Tractography()
>>> tk.inputs.in_file = 'fods.mif'
>>> tk.inputs.roi_mask = 'mask.nii.gz'
>>> tk.inputs.seed_sphere = (80, 100, 70, 10)
>>> tk.cmdline                               
'tckgen -algorithm iFOD2 -samples 4 -output_seeds out_seeds.nii.gz -mask mask.nii.gz -seed_sphere 80.000000,100.000000,70.000000,10.000000 fods.mif tracked.tck'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input file to be processed
        argument: ``%s``, position: -2
out_file: (a file name, nipype default value: tracked.tck)
        output file containing tracks
        argument: ``%s``, position: -1

seed_gmwmi: (an existing file name)
        seed from the grey matter - white matter interface (only valid if
        using ACT framework)
        argument: ``-seed_gmwmi %s``
        requires: act_file
roi_mask: (an existing file name or a tuple of the form: (a float, a
          float, a float, a float))
        specify a masking region of interest. If defined,streamlines exiting
        the mask will be truncated
        argument: ``-mask %s``
stop: (a boolean)
        stop propagating a streamline once it has traversed all include
        argument: ``-stop``
seed_rnd_voxel: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an
          integer (int or long)))
        seed a fixed number of streamlines per voxel in a mask image; random
        placement of seeds in each voxel
        argument: ``-seed_random_per_voxel %s %d``
        mutually_exclusive: seed_image, seed_grid_voxel
n_trials: (an integer (int or long))
        set the maximum number of sampling trials at each point (only used
        for probabilistic tracking)
        argument: ``-trials %d``
in_bvec: (an existing file name)
        bvecs file in FSL format
        argument: ``-fslgrad %s %s``
roi_excl: (an existing file name or a tuple of the form: (a float, a
          float, a float, a float))
        specify an exclusion region of interest, streamlines that enter ANY
        exclude region will be discarded
        argument: ``-exclude %s``
step_size: (a float)
        set the step size of the algorithm in mm (default is 0.1 x
        voxelsize; for iFOD2: 0.5 x voxelsize)
        argument: ``-step %f``
in_bval: (an existing file name)
        bvals file in FSL format
args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        argument: ``%s``
cutoff: (a float)
        set the FA or FOD amplitude cutoff for terminating tracks (default
        is 0.1)
        argument: ``-cutoff %f``
grad_fsl: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an existing
          file name))
        (bvecs, bvals) dw gradient scheme (FSL format
        argument: ``-fslgrad %s %s``
use_rk4: (a boolean)
        use 4th-order Runge-Kutta integration (slower, but eliminates
        curvature overshoot in 1st-order deterministic methods)
        argument: ``-rk4``
bval_scale: ('yes' or 'no')
        specifies whether the b - values should be scaled by the square of
        the corresponding DW gradient norm, as often required for multishell
        or DSI DW acquisition schemes. The default action can also be set in
        the MRtrix config file, under the BValueScaling entry. Valid choices
        are yes / no, true / false, 0 / 1 (default: true).
        argument: ``-bvalue_scaling %s``
max_tracks: (an integer (int or long))
        set the maximum number of tracks to generate. The program will not
        generate more tracks than this number, even if the desired number of
        tracks hasn't yet been reached (default is 100 x number)
        argument: ``-maxnum %d``
sph_trait: (a tuple of the form: (a float, a float, a float, a
        argument: ``%f,%f,%f,%f``
min_length: (a float)
        set the minimum length of any track in mm (default is 5 x voxelsize)
        argument: ``-minlength %f``
n_tracks: (an integer (int or long))
        set the desired number of tracks. The program will continue to
        generate tracks until this number of tracks have been selected and
        written to the output file
        argument: ``-number %d``
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        argument: ``-nthreads %d``
crop_at_gmwmi: (a boolean)
        crop streamline endpoints more precisely as they cross the GM-WM
        argument: ``-crop_at_gmwmi``
seed_rejection: (an existing file name)
        seed from an image using rejection sampling (higher values = more
        probable to seed from
        argument: ``-seed_rejection %s``
out_seeds: (a file name, nipype default value: out_seeds.nii.gz)
        output the seed location of all successful streamlines to a file
        argument: ``-output_seeds %s``
act_file: (an existing file name)
        use the Anatomically-Constrained Tractography framework during
        tracking; provided image must be in the 5TT (five - tissue - type)
        argument: ``-act %s``
seed_image: (an existing file name)
        seed streamlines entirely at random within mask
        argument: ``-seed_image %s``
backtrack: (a boolean)
        allow tracks to be truncated
        argument: ``-backtrack``
cutoff_init: (a float)
        set the minimum FA or FOD amplitude for initiating tracks (default
        is the same as the normal cutoff)
        argument: ``-initcutoff %f``
grad_file: (an existing file name)
        dw gradient scheme (MRTrix format
        argument: ``-grad %s``
roi_incl: (an existing file name or a tuple of the form: (a float, a
          float, a float, a float))
        specify an inclusion region of interest, streamlines must traverse
        ALL inclusion regions to be accepted
        argument: ``-include %s``
init_dir: (a tuple of the form: (a float, a float, a float))
        specify an initial direction for the tracking (this should be
        supplied as a vector of 3 comma-separated values
        argument: ``-initdirection %f,%f,%f``
seed_dynamic: (an existing file name)
        determine seed points dynamically using the SIFT model (must not
        provide any other seeding mechanism). Note that while this seeding
        mechanism improves the distribution of reconstructed streamlines
        density, it should NOT be used as a substitute for the SIFT method
        argument: ``-seed_dynamic %s``
max_seed_attempts: (an integer (int or long))
        set the maximum number of times that the tracking algorithm should
        attempt to find an appropriate tracking direction from a given seed
        argument: ``-max_seed_attempts %d``
unidirectional: (a boolean)
        track from the seed point in one direction only (default is to track
        in both directions)
        argument: ``-unidirectional``
seed_sphere: (a tuple of the form: (a float, a float, a float, a
        spherical seed
        argument: ``-seed_sphere %f,%f,%f,%f``
downsample: (a float)
        downsample the generated streamlines to reduce output file size
        argument: ``-downsample %f``
algorithm: ('iFOD2' or 'FACT' or 'iFOD1' or 'Nulldist' or 'SD_Stream'
          or 'Tensor_Det' or 'Tensor_Prob', nipype default value: iFOD2)
        tractography algorithm to be used
        argument: ``-algorithm %s``
n_samples: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 4)
        set the number of FOD samples to take per step for the 2nd order
        (iFOD2) method
        argument: ``-samples %d``
seed_grid_voxel: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an
          integer (int or long)))
        seed a fixed number of streamlines per voxel in a mask image; place
        seeds on a 3D mesh grid (grid_size argument is per axis; so a
        grid_size of 3 results in 27 seeds per voxel)
        argument: ``-seed_grid_per_voxel %s %d``
        mutually_exclusive: seed_image, seed_rnd_voxel
power: (an integer (int or long))
        raise the FOD to the power specified (default is 1/nsamples)
        argument: ``-power %d``
max_length: (a float)
        set the maximum length of any track in mm (default is 100 x
        argument: ``-maxlength %f``
angle: (a float)
        set the maximum angle between successive steps (default is 90deg x
        stepsize / voxelsize)
        argument: ``-angle %f``
noprecompt: (a boolean)
        do NOT pre-compute legendre polynomial values. Warning: this will
        slow down the algorithm by a factor of approximately 4
        argument: ``-noprecomputed``
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
          of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a
          value of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables


out_seeds: (a file name)
        output the seed location of all successful streamlines to a file
out_file: (an existing file name)
        the output filtered tracks