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Wraps command dwi2mask

Convert a mesh surface to a partial volume estimation image


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> bmsk = mrt.BrainMask()
>>> bmsk.inputs.in_file = 'dwi.mif'
>>> bmsk.cmdline                               
'dwi2mask dwi.mif brainmask.mif'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input diffusion weighted images
        flag: %s, position: -2
out_file: (a file name, nipype default value: brainmask.mif)
        output brain mask
        flag: %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
bval_scale: ('yes' or 'no')
        specifies whether the b - values should be scaled by the square of
        the corresponding DW gradient norm, as often required for multishell
        or DSI DW acquisition schemes. The default action can also be set in
        the MRtrix config file, under the BValueScaling entry. Valid choices
        are yes / no, true / false, 0 / 1 (default: true).
        flag: -bvalue_scaling %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
grad_file: (an existing file name)
        dw gradient scheme (MRTrix format
        flag: -grad %s
grad_fsl: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an existing
         file name))
        (bvecs, bvals) dw gradient scheme (FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
in_bval: (an existing file name)
        bvals file in FSL format
in_bvec: (an existing file name)
        bvecs file in FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d


out_file: (an existing file name)
        the output response file


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Wraps command tckmap

Use track data as a form of contrast for producing a high-resolution image.


  • For TDI or DEC TDI: Calamante, F.; Tournier, J.-D.; Jackson, G. D. & Connelly, A. Track-density imaging (TDI): Super-resolution white matter imaging using whole-brain track-density mapping. NeuroImage, 2010, 53, 1233-1243
  • If using -contrast length and -stat_vox mean: Pannek, K.; Mathias, J. L.; Bigler, E. D.; Brown, G.; Taylor, J. D. & Rose, S. E. The average pathlength map: A diffusion MRI tractography-derived index for studying brain pathology. NeuroImage, 2011, 55, 133-141
  • If using -dixel option with TDI contrast only: Smith, R.E., Tournier, J-D., Calamante, F., Connelly, A. A novel paradigm for automated segmentation of very large whole-brain probabilistic tractography data sets. In proc. ISMRM, 2011, 19, 673
  • If using -dixel option with any other contrast: Pannek, K., Raffelt, D., Salvado, O., Rose, S. Incorporating directional information in diffusion tractography derived maps: angular track imaging (ATI). In Proc. ISMRM, 2012, 20, 1912
  • If using -tod option: Dhollander, T., Emsell, L., Van Hecke, W., Maes, F., Sunaert, S., Suetens, P. Track Orientation Density Imaging (TODI) and Track Orientation Distribution (TOD) based tractography. NeuroImage, 2014, 94, 312-336
  • If using other contrasts / statistics: Calamante, F.; Tournier, J.-D.; Smith, R. E. & Connelly, A. A generalised framework for super-resolution track-weighted imaging. NeuroImage, 2012, 59, 2494-2503
  • If using -precise mapping option: Smith, R. E.; Tournier, J.-D.; Calamante, F. & Connelly, A. SIFT: Spherical-deconvolution informed filtering of tractograms. NeuroImage, 2013, 67, 298-312 (Appendix 3)


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> tdi = mrt.ComputeTDI()
>>> tdi.inputs.in_file = 'dti.mif'
>>> tdi.cmdline                               
'tckmap dti.mif tdi.mif'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input tractography
        flag: %s, position: -2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
contrast: ('tdi' or 'length' or 'invlength' or 'scalar_map' or
         'scalar_map_conut' or 'fod_amp' or 'curvature')
        define the desired form of contrast for the output image
        flag: -constrast %s
data_type: ('float' or 'unsigned int')
        specify output image data type
        flag: -datatype %s
dixel: (a file name)
        map streamlines todixels within each voxel. Directions are stored
        asazimuth elevation pairs.
        flag: -dixel %s
ends_only: (a boolean)
        only map the streamline endpoints to the image
        flag: -ends_only
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
fwhm_tck: (a float)
        define the statistic for choosing the contribution to be made by
        each streamline as a function of the samples taken along their
        flag: -fwhm_tck %f
in_map: (an existing file name)
        provide thescalar image map for generating images with 'scalar_map'
        contrasts, or the SHs image for fod_amp
        flag: -image %s
map_zero: (a boolean)
        if a streamline has zero contribution based on the contrast &
        statistic, typically it is not mapped; use this option to still
        contribute to the map even if this is the case (these non-
        contributing voxels can then influence the mean value in each voxel
        of the map)
        flag: -map_zero
max_tod: (an integer (int or long))
        generate a Track Orientation Distribution (TOD) in each voxel.
        flag: -tod %d
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d
out_file: (a file name, nipype default value: tdi.mif)
        output TDI file
        flag: %s, position: -1
precise: (a boolean)
        use a more precise streamline mapping strategy, that accurately
        quantifies the length through each voxel (these lengths are then
        taken into account during TWI calculation)
        flag: -precise
reference: (an existing file name)
        a referenceimage to be used as template
        flag: -template %s
stat_tck: ('mean' or 'sum' or 'min' or 'max' or 'median' or
         'mean_nonzero' or 'gaussian' or 'ends_min' or 'ends_mean' or
         'ends_max' or 'ends_prod')
        define the statistic for choosing the contribution to be made by
        each streamline as a function of the samples taken along their
        flag: -stat_tck %s
stat_vox: ('sum' or 'min' or 'mean' or 'max')
        define the statistic for choosing the finalvoxel intesities for a
        given contrast
        flag: -stat_vox %s
tck_weights: (an existing file name)
        specify a text scalar file containing the streamline weights
        flag: -tck_weights_in %s
upsample: (an integer (int or long))
        upsample the tracks by some ratio using Hermite interpolation before
        flag: -upsample %d
use_dec: (a boolean)
        perform mapping in DEC space
        flag: -dec
vox_size: (a list of items which are an integer (int or long))
        voxel dimensions
        flag: -vox %s


out_file: (a file name)
        output TDI file


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Wraps command dwiextract

Extract diffusion-weighted volumes, b=0 volumes, or certain shells from a DWI dataset


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> dwiextract = mrt.DWIExtract()
>>> dwiextract.inputs.in_file = 'dwi.mif'
>>> dwiextract.inputs.bzero = True
>>> dwiextract.inputs.out_file = 'b0vols.mif'
>>> dwiextract.inputs.grad_fsl = ('bvecs', 'bvals')
>>> dwiextract.cmdline                             
'dwiextract -bzero -fslgrad bvecs bvals dwi.mif b0vols.mif'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input image
        flag: %s, position: -2
out_file: (a file name)
        output image
        flag: %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
bval_scale: ('yes' or 'no')
        specifies whether the b - values should be scaled by the square of
        the corresponding DW gradient norm, as often required for multishell
        or DSI DW acquisition schemes. The default action can also be set in
        the MRtrix config file, under the BValueScaling entry. Valid choices
        are yes / no, true / false, 0 / 1 (default: true).
        flag: -bvalue_scaling %s
bzero: (a boolean)
        extract b=0 volumes
        flag: -bzero
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
grad_file: (an existing file name)
        dw gradient scheme (MRTrix format
        flag: -grad %s
grad_fsl: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an existing
         file name))
        (bvecs, bvals) dw gradient scheme (FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
in_bval: (an existing file name)
        bvals file in FSL format
in_bvec: (an existing file name)
        bvecs file in FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
nobzero: (a boolean)
        extract non b=0 volumes
        flag: -nobzero
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d
shell: (a list of items which are a float)
        specify one or more gradient shells
        flag: -shell %s
singleshell: (a boolean)
        extract volumes with a specific shell
        flag: -singleshell


out_file: (an existing file name)
        output image


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Wraps command 5ttgen

Generate a 5TT image suitable for ACT using the selected algorithm


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> gen5tt = mrt.Generate5tt()
>>> gen5tt.inputs.in_file = 'T1.nii.gz'
>>> gen5tt.inputs.algorithm = 'fsl'
>>> gen5tt.inputs.out_file = '5tt.mif'
>>> gen5tt.cmdline                             
'5ttgen fsl T1.nii.gz 5tt.mif'


algorithm: ('fsl' or 'gif' or 'freesurfer')
        tissue segmentation algorithm
        flag: %s, position: -3
in_file: (an existing file name)
        input image
        flag: %s, position: -2
out_file: (a file name)
        output image
        flag: %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
bval_scale: ('yes' or 'no')
        specifies whether the b - values should be scaled by the square of
        the corresponding DW gradient norm, as often required for multishell
        or DSI DW acquisition schemes. The default action can also be set in
        the MRtrix config file, under the BValueScaling entry. Valid choices
        are yes / no, true / false, 0 / 1 (default: true).
        flag: -bvalue_scaling %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
grad_file: (an existing file name)
        dw gradient scheme (MRTrix format
        flag: -grad %s
grad_fsl: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an existing
         file name))
        (bvecs, bvals) dw gradient scheme (FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
in_bval: (an existing file name)
        bvals file in FSL format
in_bvec: (an existing file name)
        bvecs file in FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d


out_file: (an existing file name)
        output image


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Wraps command mrconvert

Perform conversion between different file types and optionally extract a subset of the input image


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> mrconvert = mrt.MRConvert()
>>> mrconvert.inputs.in_file = 'dwi.nii.gz'
>>> mrconvert.inputs.grad_fsl = ('bvecs', 'bvals')
>>> mrconvert.cmdline                             
'mrconvert -fslgrad bvecs bvals dwi.nii.gz dwi.mif'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input image
        flag: %s, position: -2
out_file: (a file name, nipype default value: dwi.mif)
        output image
        flag: %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
axes: (a list of items which are an integer (int or long))
        specify the axes that will be used
        flag: -axes %s
bval_scale: ('yes' or 'no')
        specifies whether the b - values should be scaled by the square of
        the corresponding DW gradient norm, as often required for multishell
        or DSI DW acquisition schemes. The default action can also be set in
        the MRtrix config file, under the BValueScaling entry. Valid choices
        are yes / no, true / false, 0 / 1 (default: true).
        flag: -bvalue_scaling %s
coord: (a list of items which are a float)
        extract data at the specified coordinates
        flag: -coord %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
grad_file: (an existing file name)
        dw gradient scheme (MRTrix format
        flag: -grad %s
grad_fsl: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an existing
         file name))
        (bvecs, bvals) dw gradient scheme (FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
in_bval: (an existing file name)
        bvals file in FSL format
in_bvec: (an existing file name)
        bvecs file in FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d
scaling: (a list of items which are a float)
        specify the data scaling parameter
        flag: -scaling %s
vox: (a list of items which are a float)
        change the voxel dimensions
        flag: -vox %s


out_file: (an existing file name)
        output image


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Wraps command mrmath

Compute summary statistic on image intensities along a specified axis of a single image


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> mrmath = mrt.MRMath()
>>> mrmath.inputs.in_file = 'dwi.mif'
>>> mrmath.inputs.operation = 'mean'
>>> mrmath.inputs.axis = 3
>>> mrmath.inputs.out_file = 'dwi_mean.mif'
>>> mrmath.inputs.grad_fsl = ('bvecs', 'bvals')
>>> mrmath.cmdline                             
'mrmath -axis 3 -fslgrad bvecs bvals dwi.mif mean dwi_mean.mif'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input image
        flag: %s, position: -3
operation: ('mean' or 'median' or 'sum' or 'product' or 'rms' or
         'norm' or 'var' or 'std' or 'min' or 'max' or 'absmax' or 'magmax')
        operation to computer along a specified axis
        flag: %s, position: -2
out_file: (a file name)
        output image
        flag: %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
axis: (an integer (int or long))
        specfied axis to perform the operation along
        flag: -axis %d
bval_scale: ('yes' or 'no')
        specifies whether the b - values should be scaled by the square of
        the corresponding DW gradient norm, as often required for multishell
        or DSI DW acquisition schemes. The default action can also be set in
        the MRtrix config file, under the BValueScaling entry. Valid choices
        are yes / no, true / false, 0 / 1 (default: true).
        flag: -bvalue_scaling %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
grad_file: (an existing file name)
        dw gradient scheme (MRTrix format
        flag: -grad %s
grad_fsl: (a tuple of the form: (an existing file name, an existing
         file name))
        (bvecs, bvals) dw gradient scheme (FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
in_bval: (an existing file name)
        bvals file in FSL format
in_bvec: (an existing file name)
        bvecs file in FSL format
        flag: -fslgrad %s %s
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d


out_file: (an existing file name)
        output image


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Wraps command mesh2pve

Convert a mesh surface to a partial volume estimation image


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> m2p = mrt.Mesh2PVE()
>>> m2p.inputs.in_file = 'surf1.vtk'
>>> m2p.inputs.reference = 'dwi.mif'
>>> m2p.inputs.in_first = 'T1.nii.gz'
>>> m2p.cmdline                               
'mesh2pve -first T1.nii.gz surf1.vtk dwi.mif mesh2volume.nii.gz'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input mesh
        flag: %s, position: -3
out_file: (a file name, nipype default value: mesh2volume.nii.gz)
        output file containing SH coefficients
        flag: %s, position: -1
reference: (an existing file name)
        input reference image
        flag: %s, position: -2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
in_first: (an existing file name)
        indicates that the mesh file is provided by FSL FIRST
        flag: -first %s


out_file: (an existing file name)
        the output response file


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Wraps command tck2vtk

Convert a track file to a vtk format, cave: coordinates are in XYZ coordinates not reference


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> vtk = mrt.TCK2VTK()
>>> vtk.inputs.in_file = 'tracks.tck'
>>> vtk.inputs.reference = 'b0.nii'
>>> vtk.cmdline                               
'tck2vtk -image b0.nii tracks.tck tracks.vtk'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input tractography
        flag: %s, position: -2

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
nthreads: (an integer (int or long))
        number of threads. if zero, the number of available cpus will be
        flag: -nthreads %d
out_file: (a file name, nipype default value: tracks.vtk)
        output VTK file
        flag: %s, position: -1
reference: (an existing file name)
        if specified, the properties of this image will be used to convert
        track point positions from real (scanner) coordinates into image
        coordinates (in mm).
        flag: -image %s
voxel: (an existing file name)
        if specified, the properties of this image will be used to convert
        track point positions from real (scanner) coordinates into image
        flag: -image %s


out_file: (a file name)
        output VTK file


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Wraps command tensor2metric

Compute metrics from tensors


>>> import nipype.interfaces.mrtrix3 as mrt
>>> comp = mrt.TensorMetrics()
>>> comp.inputs.in_file = 'dti.mif'
>>> comp.inputs.out_fa = 'fa.mif'
>>> comp.cmdline                               
'tensor2metric -num 1 -fa fa.mif dti.mif'


in_file: (an existing file name)
        input DTI image
        flag: %s, position: -1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
component: (a list of items which are any value, nipype default
         value: [1])
        specify the desired eigenvalue/eigenvector(s). Note that several
        eigenvalues can be specified as a number sequence
        flag: -num %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
in_mask: (an existing file name)
        only perform computation within the specified binary brain mask
        flag: -mask %s
modulate: ('FA' or 'none' or 'eval')
        how to modulate the magnitude of the eigenvectors
        flag: -modulate %s
out_adc: (a file name)
        output ADC file
        flag: -adc %s
out_eval: (a file name)
        output selected eigenvalue(s) file
        flag: -value %s
out_evec: (a file name)
        output selected eigenvector(s) file
        flag: -vector %s
out_fa: (a file name)
        output FA file
        flag: -fa %s


out_adc: (a file name)
        output ADC file
out_eval: (a file name)
        output selected eigenvalue(s) file
out_evec: (a file name)
        output selected eigenvector(s) file
out_fa: (a file name)
        output FA file