

Link to code

Use spm_contrasts to estimate contrasts of interest


>>> import nipype.interfaces.spm as spm
>>> est = spm.EstimateContrast()
>>> est.inputs.spm_mat_file = 'SPM.mat'
>>> cont1 = ('Task>Baseline','T', ['Task-Odd','Task-Even'],[0.5,0.5])
>>> cont2 = ('Task-Odd>Task-Even','T', ['Task-Odd','Task-Even'],[1,-1])
>>> contrasts = [cont1,cont2]
>>> est.inputs.contrasts = contrasts


beta_images: (a list of items which are an existing file name)
        Parameter estimates of the design matrix
contrasts: (a list of items which are a tuple of the form: (a unicode
         string, 'T', a list of items which are a unicode string, a list of
         items which are a float) or a tuple of the form: (a unicode string,
         'T', a list of items which are a unicode string, a list of items
         which are a float, a list of items which are a float) or a tuple of
         the form: (a unicode string, 'F', a list of items which are a tuple
         of the form: (a unicode string, 'T', a list of items which are a
         unicode string, a list of items which are a float) or a tuple of
         the form: (a unicode string, 'T', a list of items which are a
         unicode string, a list of items which are a float, a list of items
         which are a float)))
        List of contrasts with each contrast being a list of the form:
         [('name', 'stat', [condition list], [weight list], [session list])]
         If session list is None or not provided, all sessions are used. For
         F contrasts, the condition list should contain previously defined
residual_image: (an existing file name)
        Mean-squared image of the residuals
spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        Absolute path to SPM.mat

group_contrast: (a boolean)
        higher level contrast
        mutually_exclusive: use_derivs
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
use_derivs: (a boolean)
        use derivatives for estimation
        mutually_exclusive: group_contrast
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


con_images: (a list of items which are an existing file name)
        contrast images from a t-contrast
ess_images: (a list of items which are an existing file name)
        contrast images from an F-contrast
spmF_images: (a list of items which are an existing file name)
        stat images from an F-contrast
spmT_images: (a list of items which are an existing file name)
        stat images from a t-contrast
spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        Updated SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Use spm_spm to estimate the parameters of a model


>>> est = EstimateModel()
>>> est.inputs.spm_mat_file = 'SPM.mat'
>>> est.inputs.estimation_method = {'Classical': 1}


estimation_method: (a dictionary with keys which are 'Classical' or
         'Bayesian2' or 'Bayesian' and with values which are any value)
        Dictionary of either Classical: 1, Bayesian: 1, or Bayesian2: 1
spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        Absolute path to SPM.mat

flags: (a dictionary with keys which are any value and with values
         which are any value)
        Additional arguments
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs
write_residuals: (a boolean)
        Write individual residual images


ARcoef: (a list of items which are an existing, uncompressed file
         (valid extensions: [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        Images of the AR coefficient
Cbetas: (a list of items which are an existing, uncompressed file
         (valid extensions: [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        Images of the parameter posteriors
RPVimage: (an existing, uncompressed file (valid extensions: [.hdr,
         .img, .nii]))
        Resels per voxel image
SDbetas: (a list of items which are an existing, uncompressed file
         (valid extensions: [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        Images of the standard deviation of parameter posteriors
SDerror: (a list of items which are an existing, uncompressed file
         (valid extensions: [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        Images of the standard deviation of the error
beta_images: (a list of items which are an existing, uncompressed
         file (valid extensions: [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        design parameter estimates
labels: (an existing, uncompressed file (valid extensions: [.hdr,
         .img, .nii]))
        label file
mask_image: (an existing, uncompressed file (valid extensions: [.hdr,
         .img, .nii]))
        binary mask to constrain estimation
residual_image: (an existing, uncompressed file (valid extensions:
         [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        Mean-squared image of the residuals
residual_images: (a list of items which are an existing, uncompressed
         file (valid extensions: [.hdr, .img, .nii]))
        individual residual images (requires `write_residuals`
spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        Updated SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Base class for factorial designs



covariates: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys which
         are 'vector' or 'name' or 'interaction' or 'centering' and with
         values which are any value)
        covariate dictionary {vector, name, interaction, centering}
explicit_mask_file: (a file name)
        use an implicit mask file to threshold
global_calc_mean: (a boolean)
        use mean for global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_omit, global_calc_values
global_calc_omit: (a boolean)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_values
global_calc_values: (a list of items which are a float)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_omit
global_normalization: (1 or 2 or 3)
        global normalization None-1, Proportional-2, ANCOVA-3
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
no_grand_mean_scaling: (a boolean)
        do not perform grand mean scaling
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
spm_mat_dir: (an existing directory name)
        directory to store SPM.mat file (opt)
threshold_mask_absolute: (a float)
        use an absolute threshold
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_none, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_none: (a boolean)
        do not use threshold masking
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_relative: (a float)
        threshold using a proportion of the global value
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_none
use_implicit_threshold: (a boolean)
        use implicit mask NaNs or zeros to threshold
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Generate an SPM design matrix


>>> level1design = Level1Design()
>>> level1design.inputs.timing_units = 'secs'
>>> level1design.inputs.interscan_interval = 2.5
>>> level1design.inputs.bases = {'hrf':{'derivs': [0,0]}}
>>> level1design.inputs.session_info = 'session_info.npz'


bases: (a dictionary with keys which are 'hrf' or 'fourier' or
         'fourier_han' or 'gamma' or 'fir' and with values which are any
         dict {'name':{'basesparam1':val,...}}
         name : string
         Name of basis function (hrf, fourier, fourier_han,
         gamma, fir)
         hrf :
         derivs : 2-element list
         Model HRF Derivatives. No derivatives: [0,0],
         Time derivatives : [1,0], Time and Dispersion
         derivatives: [1,1]
         fourier, fourier_han, gamma, fir:
         length : int
         Post-stimulus window length (in seconds)
         order : int
         Number of basis functions
interscan_interval: (a float)
        Interscan interval in secs
session_info: (any value)
        Session specific information generated by ``modelgen.SpecifyModel``
timing_units: ('secs' or 'scans')
        units for specification of onsets

factor_info: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys which
         are 'name' or 'levels' and with values which are any value)
        Factor specific information file (opt)
global_intensity_normalization: ('none' or 'scaling')
        Global intensity normalization - scaling or none
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
mask_image: (an existing file name)
        Image for explicitly masking the analysis
mask_threshold: ('-Inf' or a float, nipype default value: -Inf)
        Thresholding for the mask
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
microtime_onset: (a float)
        The onset/time-bin in seconds for alignment (opt)
microtime_resolution: (an integer (int or long))
        Number of time-bins per scan in secs (opt)
model_serial_correlations: ('AR(1)' or 'FAST' or 'none')
        Model serial correlations AR(1), FAST or none. FAST is available in
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
spm_mat_dir: (an existing directory name)
        directory to store SPM.mat file (opt)
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs
volterra_expansion_order: (1 or 2)
        Model interactions - yes:1, no:2


spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Create SPM design for multiple regression


>>> mreg = MultipleRegressionDesign()
>>> mreg.inputs.in_files = ['cont1.nii','cont2.nii']


in_files: (a list of at least 2 items which are an existing file
        List of files

covariates: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys which
         are 'vector' or 'name' or 'interaction' or 'centering' and with
         values which are any value)
        covariate dictionary {vector, name, interaction, centering}
explicit_mask_file: (a file name)
        use an implicit mask file to threshold
global_calc_mean: (a boolean)
        use mean for global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_omit, global_calc_values
global_calc_omit: (a boolean)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_values
global_calc_values: (a list of items which are a float)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_omit
global_normalization: (1 or 2 or 3)
        global normalization None-1, Proportional-2, ANCOVA-3
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
include_intercept: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Include intercept in design
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
no_grand_mean_scaling: (a boolean)
        do not perform grand mean scaling
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
spm_mat_dir: (an existing directory name)
        directory to store SPM.mat file (opt)
threshold_mask_absolute: (a float)
        use an absolute threshold
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_none, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_none: (a boolean)
        do not use threshold masking
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_relative: (a float)
        threshold using a proportion of the global value
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_none
use_implicit_threshold: (a boolean)
        use implicit mask NaNs or zeros to threshold
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs
user_covariates: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys
         which are 'vector' or 'name' or 'centering' and with values which
         are any value)
        covariate dictionary {vector, name, centering}


spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Create SPM design for one sample t-test


>>> ttest = OneSampleTTestDesign()
>>> ttest.inputs.in_files = ['cont1.nii', 'cont2.nii']


in_files: (a list of at least 2 items which are an existing file
        input files

covariates: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys which
         are 'vector' or 'name' or 'interaction' or 'centering' and with
         values which are any value)
        covariate dictionary {vector, name, interaction, centering}
explicit_mask_file: (a file name)
        use an implicit mask file to threshold
global_calc_mean: (a boolean)
        use mean for global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_omit, global_calc_values
global_calc_omit: (a boolean)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_values
global_calc_values: (a list of items which are a float)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_omit
global_normalization: (1 or 2 or 3)
        global normalization None-1, Proportional-2, ANCOVA-3
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
no_grand_mean_scaling: (a boolean)
        do not perform grand mean scaling
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
spm_mat_dir: (an existing directory name)
        directory to store SPM.mat file (opt)
threshold_mask_absolute: (a float)
        use an absolute threshold
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_none, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_none: (a boolean)
        do not use threshold masking
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_relative: (a float)
        threshold using a proportion of the global value
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_none
use_implicit_threshold: (a boolean)
        use implicit mask NaNs or zeros to threshold
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Create SPM design for paired t-test


>>> pttest = PairedTTestDesign()
>>> pttest.inputs.paired_files = [['cont1.nii','cont1a.nii'],['cont2.nii','cont2a.nii']]


paired_files: (a list of at least 2 items which are a list of from 2
         to 2 items which are an existing file name)
        List of paired files

ancova: (a boolean)
        Specify ancova-by-factor regressors
covariates: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys which
         are 'vector' or 'name' or 'interaction' or 'centering' and with
         values which are any value)
        covariate dictionary {vector, name, interaction, centering}
explicit_mask_file: (a file name)
        use an implicit mask file to threshold
global_calc_mean: (a boolean)
        use mean for global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_omit, global_calc_values
global_calc_omit: (a boolean)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_values
global_calc_values: (a list of items which are a float)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_omit
global_normalization: (1 or 2 or 3)
        global normalization None-1, Proportional-2, ANCOVA-3
grand_mean_scaling: (a boolean)
        Perform grand mean scaling
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
no_grand_mean_scaling: (a boolean)
        do not perform grand mean scaling
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
spm_mat_dir: (an existing directory name)
        directory to store SPM.mat file (opt)
threshold_mask_absolute: (a float)
        use an absolute threshold
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_none, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_none: (a boolean)
        do not use threshold masking
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_relative: (a float)
        threshold using a proportion of the global value
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_none
use_implicit_threshold: (a boolean)
        use implicit mask NaNs or zeros to threshold
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        SPM mat file

References:: None


Link to code

Topological FDR thresholding based on cluster extent/size. Smoothness is estimated from GLM residuals but is assumed to be the same for all of the voxels.


>>> thresh = Threshold()
>>> thresh.inputs.spm_mat_file = 'SPM.mat'
>>> thresh.inputs.stat_image = 'spmT_0001.img'
>>> thresh.inputs.contrast_index = 1
>>> thresh.inputs.extent_fdr_p_threshold = 0.05


contrast_index: (an integer (int or long))
        which contrast in the SPM.mat to use
spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        absolute path to SPM.mat
stat_image: (an existing file name)
        stat image

extent_fdr_p_threshold: (a float, nipype default value: 0.05)
        p threshold on FDR corrected cluster size probabilities
extent_threshold: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 0)
        Minimum cluster size in voxels
force_activation: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        In case no clusters survive the topological inference step this will
        pick a culster with the highes sum of t-values. Use with care.
height_threshold: (a float, nipype default value: 0.05)
        value for initial thresholding (defining clusters)
height_threshold_type: ('p-value' or 'stat', nipype default value:
        Is the cluster forming threshold a stat value or p-value?
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
use_fwe_correction: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        whether to use FWE (Bonferroni) correction for initial threshold
        (height_threshold_type has to be set to p-value)
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_topo_fdr: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        whether to use FDR over cluster extent probabilities
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


activation_forced: (a boolean)
cluster_forming_thr: (a float)
n_clusters: (an integer (int or long))
pre_topo_fdr_map: (an existing file name)
pre_topo_n_clusters: (an integer (int or long))
thresholded_map: (an existing file name)

References:: None


Link to code

Given height and cluster size threshold calculate theoretical probabilities concerning false positives


>>> thresh = ThresholdStatistics()
>>> thresh.inputs.spm_mat_file = 'SPM.mat'
>>> thresh.inputs.stat_image = 'spmT_0001.img'
>>> thresh.inputs.contrast_index = 1
>>> thresh.inputs.height_threshold = 4.56


contrast_index: (an integer (int or long))
        which contrast in the SPM.mat to use
height_threshold: (a float)
        stat value for initial thresholding (defining clusters)
spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        absolute path to SPM.mat
stat_image: (an existing file name)
        stat image

extent_threshold: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 0)
        Minimum cluster size in voxels
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


clusterwise_P_FDR: (a float)
clusterwise_P_RF: (a float)
voxelwise_P_Bonf: (a float)
voxelwise_P_FDR: (a float)
voxelwise_P_RF: (a float)
voxelwise_P_uncor: (a float)

References:: None


Link to code

Create SPM design for two sample t-test


>>> ttest = TwoSampleTTestDesign()
>>> ttest.inputs.group1_files = ['cont1.nii', 'cont2.nii']
>>> ttest.inputs.group2_files = ['cont1a.nii', 'cont2a.nii']


group1_files: (a list of at least 2 items which are an existing file
        Group 1 input files
group2_files: (a list of at least 2 items which are an existing file
        Group 2 input files

covariates: (a list of items which are a dictionary with keys which
         are 'vector' or 'name' or 'interaction' or 'centering' and with
         values which are any value)
        covariate dictionary {vector, name, interaction, centering}
dependent: (a boolean)
        Are the measurements dependent between levels
explicit_mask_file: (a file name)
        use an implicit mask file to threshold
global_calc_mean: (a boolean)
        use mean for global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_omit, global_calc_values
global_calc_omit: (a boolean)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_values
global_calc_values: (a list of items which are a float)
        omit global calculation
        mutually_exclusive: global_calc_mean, global_calc_omit
global_normalization: (1 or 2 or 3)
        global normalization None-1, Proportional-2, ANCOVA-3
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
matlab_cmd: (a unicode string)
        matlab command to use
mfile: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Run m-code using m-file
no_grand_mean_scaling: (a boolean)
        do not perform grand mean scaling
paths: (a list of items which are a directory name)
        Paths to add to matlabpath
spm_mat_dir: (an existing directory name)
        directory to store SPM.mat file (opt)
threshold_mask_absolute: (a float)
        use an absolute threshold
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_none, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_none: (a boolean)
        do not use threshold masking
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_relative
threshold_mask_relative: (a float)
        threshold using a proportion of the global value
        mutually_exclusive: threshold_mask_absolute, threshold_mask_none
unequal_variance: (a boolean)
        Are the variances equal or unequal between groups
use_implicit_threshold: (a boolean)
        use implicit mask NaNs or zeros to threshold
use_mcr: (a boolean)
        Run m-code using SPM MCR
use_v8struct: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        Generate SPM8 and higher compatible jobs


spm_mat_file: (an existing file name)
        SPM mat file

References:: None