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Wraps command bfc

bias field corrector (BFC) This program corrects gain variation in T1-weighted MRI.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> bfc = brainsuite.Bfc()
>>> bfc.inputs.inputMRIFile = example_data('structural.nii')
>>> bfc.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMRIFile: (a file name)
        input skull-stripped MRI volume
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
biasEstimateConvergenceThreshold: (a float)
        bias estimate convergence threshold (values > 0.1 disable)
        flag: --beps %f
biasEstimateSpacing: (an integer (int or long))
        bias sample spacing (voxels)
        flag: -s %d
biasFieldEstimatesOutputPrefix: (a string)
        save iterative biasfield estimates as<prefix>.n.field.nii.gz
        flag: --biasprefix %s
biasRange: ('low' or 'medium' or 'high')
        Preset options for bias_model
        low: small bias model [0.95,1.05]
        medium: medium bias model [0.90,1.10]
        high: high bias model [0.80,1.20]
        flag: %s
controlPointSpacing: (an integer (int or long))
        control point spacing (voxels)
        flag: -c %d
convergenceThreshold: (a float)
        convergence threshold
        flag: --eps %f
correctWholeVolume: (a boolean)
        apply correction field to entirevolume
        flag: --extrapolate
correctedImagesOutputPrefix: (a string)
        save iterative correctedimages as<prefix>.n.bfc.nii.gz
        flag: --prefix %s
correctionScheduleFile: (a file name)
        list of parameters
        flag: --schedule %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
histogramRadius: (an integer (int or long))
        histogram radius (voxels)
        flag: -r %d
histogramType: ('ellipse' or 'block')
        Options for type of histogram
        ellipse:use ellipsoid for ROI histogram
        block:use block for ROI histogram
        flag: %s
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        mask file
        flag: -m %s
intermediate_file_type: ('analyze' or 'nifti' or 'gzippedAnalyze' or
        Options for the format inwhich intermediate files aregenerated
        flag: %s
iterativeMode: (a boolean)
        iterative mode (overrides -r, -s, -c,-w settings)
        flag: --iterate
maxBias: (a float, nipype default value: 1.5)
        maximum allowed biasvalue
        flag: -U %f
minBias: (a float, nipype default value: 0.5)
        minimum allowed biasvalue
        flag: -L %f
outputBiasField: (a file name)
        save bias field estimate
        flag: --bias %s
outputMRIVolume: (a file name)
        output bias-corrected MRI volume.If unspecified, output file
        namewill be auto generated.
        flag: -o %s
outputMaskedBiasField: (a file name)
        save bias field estimate (masked)
        flag: --maskedbias %s
splineLambda: (a float)
        spline stiffness weighting parameter
        flag: -w %f
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        display timing information
        flag: --timer
verbosityLevel: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity level (0=silent)
        flag: -v %d


correctionScheduleFile: (a file name)
        path/name of schedule file
outputBiasField: (a file name)
        path/name of bias field output file
outputMRIVolume: (a file name)
        path/name of output file
outputMaskedBiasField: (a file name)
        path/name of masked bias field output


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Wraps command bse

brain surface extractor (BSE) This program performs automated skull and scalp removal on T1-weighted MRI volumes.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> bse = brainsuite.Bse()
>>> bse.inputs.inputMRIFile = example_data('structural.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMRIFile: (a file name)
        input MRI volume
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
diffusionConstant: (a float, nipype default value: 25)
        diffusion constant
        flag: -d %f
diffusionIterations: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value:
        diffusion iterations
        flag: -n %d
dilateFinalMask: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        dilate final mask
        flag: -p
edgeDetectionConstant: (a float, nipype default value: 0.64)
        edge detection constant
        flag: -s %f
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
noRotate: (a boolean)
        retain original orientation(default behavior will auto-rotate input
        NII filesto LPI orientation)
        flag: --norotate
outputCortexFile: (a file name)
        cortex file
        flag: --cortex %s
outputDetailedBrainMask: (a file name)
        save detailed brain mask
        flag: --hires %s
outputDiffusionFilter: (a file name)
        diffusion filter output
        flag: --adf %s
outputEdgeMap: (a file name)
        edge map output
        flag: --edge %s
outputMRIVolume: (a file name)
        output brain-masked MRI volume. Ifunspecified, output file name will
        be autogenerated.
        flag: -o %s
outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        save smooth brain mask
        flag: --mask %s
radius: (a float, nipype default value: 1)
        radius of erosion/dilation filter
        flag: -r %f
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        show timing
        flag: --timer
trim: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        trim brainstem
        flag: --trim
verbosityLevel: (a float, nipype default value: 1)
         verbosity level (0=silent)
        flag: -v %f


outputCortexFile: (a file name)
        path/name of cortex file
outputDetailedBrainMask: (a file name)
        path/name of detailed brain mask
outputDiffusionFilter: (a file name)
        path/name of diffusion filter output
outputEdgeMap: (a file name)
        path/name of edge map output
outputMRIVolume: (a file name)
        path/name of brain-masked MRI volume
outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        path/name of smooth brain mask


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Wraps command cerebro

Cerebrum/cerebellum labeling tool This program performs automated labeling of cerebellum and cerebrum in T1 MRI. Input MRI should be skull-stripped or a brain-only mask should be provided.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> cerebro = brainsuite.Cerebro()
>>> cerebro.inputs.inputMRIFile = example_data('structural.nii')
>>> cerebro.inputs.inputAtlasMRIFile = 'atlasMRIVolume.img'
>>> cerebro.inputs.inputAtlasLabelFile = 'atlasLabels.img'
>>> cerebro.inputs.inputBrainMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputAtlasLabelFile: (a file name)
        atlas labeling
        flag: --atlaslabels %s
inputAtlasMRIFile: (a file name)
        atlas MRI volume
        flag: --atlas %s
inputMRIFile: (a file name)
        input 3D MRI volume
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
costFunction: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 2)
        flag: -c %d
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
inputBrainMaskFile: (a file name)
        brain mask file
        flag: -m %s
keepTempFiles: (a boolean)
        don't remove temporary files
        flag: --keep
linearConvergence: (a float)
        linear convergence
        flag: --linconv %f
outputAffineTransformFile: (a file name)
        save affine transform to file.
        flag: --air %s
outputCerebrumMaskFile: (a file name)
        output cerebrum mask volume. If unspecified, output file name will
        be auto generated.
        flag: -o %s
outputLabelMaskFile: (a file name)
        output labeled hemisphere/cerebrum volume. If unspecified, output
        file name will be auto generated.
        flag: -l %s
outputWarpTransformFile: (a file name)
        save warp transform to file.
        flag: --warp %s
tempDirectory: (a string)
        specify directory to use for temporary files
        flag: --tempdir %s
tempDirectoryBase: (a string)
        create a temporary directory within this directory
        flag: --tempdirbase %s
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
useCentroids: (a boolean)
        use centroids of data to initialize position
        flag: --centroids
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity level (0=silent)
        flag: -v %d
warpConvergence: (a float)
        warp convergence
        flag: --warpconv %f
warpLabel: (an integer (int or long))
        warp order (2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
        flag: --warplevel %d


outputAffineTransformFile: (a file name)
        path/name of affine transform file
outputCerebrumMaskFile: (a file name)
        path/name of cerebrum mask file
outputLabelMaskFile: (a file name)
        path/name of label mask file
outputWarpTransformFile: (a file name)
        path/name of warp transform file


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Wraps command cortex

cortex extractor This program produces a cortical mask using tissue fraction estimates and a co-registered cerebellum/hemisphere mask.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> cortex = brainsuite.Cortex()
>>> cortex.inputs.inputHemisphereLabelFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> cortex.inputs.inputTissueFractionFile = example_data('tissues.nii.gz')
>>> results = 


inputHemisphereLabelFile: (a file name)
        hemisphere / lobe label volume
        flag: -h %s
inputTissueFractionFile: (a file name)
        tissue fraction file (32-bit float)
        flag: -f %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
computeGCBoundary: (a boolean)
        compute GM/CSF boundary
        flag: -g
computeWGBoundary: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        compute WM/GM boundary
        flag: -w
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
includeAllSubcorticalAreas: (a boolean, nipype default value: True)
        include all subcortical areas in WM mask
        flag: -a
outputCerebrumMask: (a file name)
        output structure mask. If unspecified, output file name will be auto
        flag: -o %s
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        timing function
        flag: --timer
tissueFractionThreshold: (a float, nipype default value: 50.0)
        tissue fraction threshold (percentage)
        flag: -p %f
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity level
        flag: -v %d


outputCerebrumMask: (a file name)
        path/name of cerebrum mask


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Wraps command dewisp

dewisp removes wispy tendril structures from cortex model binary masks. It does so based on graph theoretic analysis of connected components, similar to TCA. Each branch of the structure graph is analyzed to determine pinch points that indicate a likely error in segmentation that attaches noise to the image. The pinch threshold determines how many voxels the cross-section can be before it is considered part of the image.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> dewisp = brainsuite.Dewisp()
>>> dewisp.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        input file
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
maximumIterations: (an integer (int or long))
        maximum number of iterations
        flag: -n %d
outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        output file. If unspecified, output file name will be auto
        flag: -o %s
sizeThreshold: (an integer (int or long))
        size threshold
        flag: -t %d
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        time processing
        flag: --timer
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        flag: -v %d


outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        path/name of mask file


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Wraps command dfs

Surface Generator Generates mesh surfaces using an isosurface algorithm.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> dfs = brainsuite.Dfs()
>>> dfs.inputs.inputVolumeFile = example_data('structural.nii')
>>> results = 


inputVolumeFile: (a file name)
        input 3D volume
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
curvatureWeighting: (a float, nipype default value: 5.0)
        curvature weighting
        flag: -w %f
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
inputShadingVolume: (a file name)
        shade surface model with data from image volume
        flag: -c %s
noNormalsFlag: (a boolean)
        do not compute vertex normals
        flag: --nonormals
nonZeroTessellation: (a boolean)
        tessellate non-zero voxels
        flag: -nz
        mutually_exclusive: nonZeroTessellation, specialTessellation
outputSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        output surface mesh file. If unspecified, output file name will be
        auto generated.
        flag: -o %s
postSmoothFlag: (a boolean)
        smooth vertices after coloring
        flag: --postsmooth
scalingPercentile: (a float)
        scaling percentile
        flag: -f %f
smoothingConstant: (a float, nipype default value: 0.5)
        smoothing constant
        flag: -a %f
smoothingIterations: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value:
        number of smoothing iterations
        flag: -n %d
specialTessellation: ('greater_than' or 'less_than' or 'equal_to')
        To avoid throwing a UserWarning, set tessellationThreshold first.
        Then set this attribute.
        Usage: tessellate voxels greater_than, less_than, or equal_to
        flag: %s, position: -1
        mutually_exclusive: nonZeroTessellation, specialTessellation
        requires: tessellationThreshold
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
tessellationThreshold: (a float)
        To be used with specialTessellation. Set this value first, then set
        specialTessellation value.
        Usage: tessellate voxels greater_than, less_than, or equal_to
        flag: %f
timer: (a boolean)
        timing function
        flag: --timer
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity (0 = quiet)
        flag: -v %d
zeroPadFlag: (a boolean)
        zero-pad volume (avoids clipping at edges)
        flag: -z


outputSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        path/name of surface file


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Wraps command hemisplit

Hemisphere splitter Splits a surface object into two separate surfaces given an input label volume. Each vertex is labeled left or right based on the labels being odd (left) or even (right). The largest contour on the split surface is then found and used as the separation between left and right.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> hemisplit = brainsuite.Hemisplit()
>>> hemisplit.inputs.inputSurfaceFile = 'input_surf.dfs'
>>> hemisplit.inputs.inputHemisphereLabelFile = 'label.nii'
>>> hemisplit.inputs.pialSurfaceFile = 'pial.dfs'
>>> results = 


inputHemisphereLabelFile: (a file name)
        input hemisphere label volume
        flag: -l %s
inputSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        input surface
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
outputLeftHemisphere: (a file name)
        output surface file, left hemisphere. If unspecified, output file
        name will be auto generated.
        flag: --left %s
outputLeftPialHemisphere: (a file name)
        output pial surface file, left hemisphere. If unspecified, output
        file name will be auto generated.
        flag: -pl %s
outputRightHemisphere: (a file name)
        output surface file, right hemisphere. If unspecified, output file
        name will be auto generated.
        flag: --right %s
outputRightPialHemisphere: (a file name)
        output pial surface file, right hemisphere. If unspecified, output
        file name will be auto generated.
        flag: -pr %s
pialSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        pial surface file -- must have same geometry as input surface
        flag: -p %s
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        timing function
        flag: --timer
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity (0 = silent)
        flag: -v %d


outputLeftHemisphere: (a file name)
        path/name of left hemisphere
outputLeftPialHemisphere: (a file name)
        path/name of left pial hemisphere
outputRightHemisphere: (a file name)
        path/name of right hemisphere
outputRightPialHemisphere: (a file name)
        path/name of right pial hemisphere


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Wraps command pialmesh

pialmesh computes a pial surface model using an inner WM/GM mesh and a tissue fraction map.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> pialmesh = brainsuite.Pialmesh()
>>> pialmesh.inputs.inputSurfaceFile = 'input_mesh.dfs'
>>> pialmesh.inputs.inputTissueFractionFile = 'frac_file.nii.gz'
>>> pialmesh.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        restrict growth to mask file region
        flag: -m %s
inputSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        input file
        flag: -i %s
inputTissueFractionFile: (a file name)
        floating point (32) tissue fraction image
        flag: -f %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
exportPrefix: (a string)
        prefix for exporting surfaces if interval is set
        flag: --prefix %s
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
laplacianSmoothing: (a float, nipype default value: 0.025)
        apply Laplacian smoothing
        flag: --smooth %f
maxThickness: (a float, nipype default value: 20)
        maximum allowed tissue thickness
        flag: --max %f
normalSmoother: (a float, nipype default value: 0.2)
        strength of normal smoother.
        flag: --nc %f
numIterations: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 100)
        number of iterations
        flag: -n %d
outputInterval: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 10)
        output interval
        flag: --interval %d
outputSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        output file. If unspecified, output file name will be auto
        flag: -o %s
recomputeNormals: (a boolean)
        recompute normals at each iteration
        flag: --norm
searchRadius: (a float, nipype default value: 1)
        search radius
        flag: -r %f
stepSize: (a float, nipype default value: 0.4)
        step size
        flag: -s %f
tangentSmoother: (a float)
        strength of tangential smoother.
        flag: --tc %f
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        show timing
        flag: --timer
tissueThreshold: (a float, nipype default value: 1.05)
        tissue threshold
        flag: -t %f
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        flag: -v %d


outputSurfaceFile: (a file name)
        path/name of surface file


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Wraps command pvc

partial volume classifier (PVC) tool. This program performs voxel-wise tissue classification T1-weighted MRI. Image should be skull-stripped and bias-corrected before tissue classification.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> pvc = brainsuite.Pvc()
>>> pvc.inputs.inputMRIFile = example_data('structural.nii')
>>> pvc.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMRIFile: (a file name)
        MRI file
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        brain mask file
        flag: -m %s
outputLabelFile: (a file name)
        output label file. If unspecified, output file name will be auto
        flag: -o %s
outputTissueFractionFile: (a file name)
        output tissue fraction file
        flag: -f %s
spatialPrior: (a float)
        spatial prior strength
        flag: -l %f
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
threeClassFlag: (a boolean)
        use a three-class (CSF=0,GM=1,WM=2) labeling
        flag: -3
timer: (a boolean)
        time processing
        flag: --timer
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity level (0 = silent)
        flag: -v %d


outputLabelFile: (a file name)
        path/name of label file
outputTissueFractionFile: (a file name)
        path/name of tissue fraction file


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Wraps command scrubmask

ScrubMask tool scrubmask filters binary masks to trim loosely connected voxels that may result from segmentation errors and produce bumps on tessellated surfaces.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> scrubmask = brainsuite.Scrubmask()
>>> scrubmask.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        input structure mask file
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
backgroundFillThreshold: (an integer (int or long), nipype default
         value: 2)
        background fill threshold
        flag: -b %d
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
foregroundTrimThreshold: (an integer (int or long), nipype default
         value: 0)
        foreground trim threshold
        flag: -f %d
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
numberIterations: (an integer (int or long))
        number of iterations
        flag: -n %d
outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        output structure mask file. If unspecified, output file name will be
        auto generated.
        flag: -o %s
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        timing function
        flag: --timer
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity (0=silent)
        flag: -v %d


outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        path/name of mask file


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Wraps command skullfinder

Skull and scalp segmentation algorithm.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> skullfinder = brainsuite.Skullfinder()
>>> skullfinder.inputs.inputMRIFile = example_data('structural.nii')
>>> skullfinder.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMRIFile: (a file name)
        input file
        flag: -i %s
inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        A brain mask file, 8-bit image (0=non-brain, 255=brain)
        flag: -m %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
bgLabelValue: (an integer (int or long))
        background label value (0-255)
        flag: --bglabel %d
brainLabelValue: (an integer (int or long))
        brain label value (0-255)
        flag: --brainlabel %d
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
lowerThreshold: (an integer (int or long))
        Lower threshold for segmentation
        flag: -l %d
outputLabelFile: (a file name)
        output file. If unspecified, output file name will be auto
        flag: -o %s
performFinalOpening: (a boolean)
        perform a final opening operation on the scalp mask
        flag: --finalOpening
scalpLabelValue: (an integer (int or long))
        scalp label value (0-255)
        flag: --scalplabel %d
skullLabelValue: (an integer (int or long))
        skull label value (0-255)
        flag: --skulllabel %d
spaceLabelValue: (an integer (int or long))
        space label value (0-255)
        flag: --spacelabel %d
surfaceFilePrefix: (a string)
        if specified, generate surface files for brain, skull, and scalp
        flag: -s %s
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
upperThreshold: (an integer (int or long))
        Upper threshold for segmentation
        flag: -u %d
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        flag: -v %d


outputLabelFile: (a file name)
        path/name of label file


Link to code

Wraps command tca

topological correction algorithm (TCA) This program removes topological handles from a binary object.


>>> from nipype.interfaces import brainsuite
>>> from nipype.testing import example_data
>>> tca = brainsuite.Tca()
>>> tca.inputs.inputMaskFile = example_data('mask.nii')
>>> results = 


inputMaskFile: (a file name)
        input mask volume
        flag: -i %s

args: (a string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a value of type 'str' and
         with values which are a value of type 'str', nipype default value:
        Environment variables
foregroundDelta: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value: 20)
        foreground delta
        flag: --delta %d
ignore_exception: (a boolean, nipype default value: False)
        Print an error message instead of throwing an exception in case the
        interface fails to run
maxCorrectionSize: (an integer (int or long))
        minimum correction size
        flag: -n %d
minCorrectionSize: (an integer (int or long), nipype default value:
        maximum correction size
        flag: -m %d
outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        output mask volume. If unspecified, output file name will be auto
        flag: -o %s
terminal_output: ('stream' or 'allatonce' or 'file' or 'none')
        Control terminal output: `stream` - displays to terminal immediately
        (default), `allatonce` - waits till command is finished to display
        output, `file` - writes output to file, `none` - output is ignored
timer: (a boolean)
        timing function
        flag: --timer
verbosity: (an integer (int or long))
        verbosity (0 = quiet)
        flag: -v %d


outputMaskFile: (a file name)
        path/name of mask file


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