

Link to code

Wraps command dwi_tool

Interface for executable dwi_tool from Niftyfit platform.

Use DwiTool.

Diffusion-Weighted MR Prediction. Predicts DWI from previously fitted models and calculates model derived maps.

Source code


>>> from nipype.interfaces import niftyfit
>>> dwi_tool = niftyfit.DwiTool(dti_flag=True)
>>> dwi_tool.inputs.source_file = 'dwi.nii.gz'
>>> dwi_tool.inputs.bvec_file = 'bvecs'
>>> dwi_tool.inputs.bval_file = 'bvals'
>>> dwi_tool.inputs.mask_file = 'mask.nii.gz'
>>> dwi_tool.inputs.b0_file = 'b0.nii.gz'
>>> dwi_tool.inputs.rgbmap_file = 'rgb_map.nii.gz'
>>> dwi_tool.cmdline
'dwi_tool -source dwi.nii.gz -bval bvals -bvec bvecs -b0 b0.nii.gz -mask mask.nii.gz -dti -famap dwi_famap.nii.gz -logdti2 dwi_logdti2.nii.gz -mcmap dwi_mcmap.nii.gz -mdmap dwi_mdmap.nii.gz -rgbmap rgb_map.nii.gz -syn dwi_syn.nii.gz -v1map dwi_v1map.nii.gz'


bval_file: (a file name)
        The file containing the bvalues of the source DWI.
        flag: -bval %s, position: 2
source_file: (a file name)
        The source image containing the fitted model.
        flag: -source %s, position: 1

args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
b0_file: (a file name)
        The B0 image corresponding to the source DWI
        flag: -b0 %s, position: 4
ball_flag: (a boolean)
        Input is a ball and stick model.
        flag: -ball, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, dti_flag2,
         ballv_flag, nod_flag, nodv_flag
ballv_flag: (a boolean)
        Input is a ball and stick model with optimised PDD.
        flag: -ballv, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, dti_flag2,
         ball_flag, nod_flag, nodv_flag
bvec_file: (a file name)
        The file containing the bvectors of the source DWI.
        flag: -bvec %s, position: 3
diso_val: (a float)
        Isotropic diffusivity for -nod [3e-3]
        flag: -diso %f
dpr_val: (a float)
        Parallel diffusivity for -nod [1.7e-3].
        flag: -dpr %f
dti_flag: (a boolean)
        Input is a tensor model diag/off-diag.
        flag: -dti, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag2, ball_flag,
         ballv_flag, nod_flag, nodv_flag
dti_flag2: (a boolean)
        Input is a tensor model lower triangular
        flag: -dti2, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, ball_flag,
         ballv_flag, nod_flag, nodv_flag
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
famap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of FA map
        flag: -famap %s
ivim_flag: (a boolean)
        Inputs is an IVIM model to non-directional data.
        flag: -ivim, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, dti_flag, dti_flag2, ball_flag,
         ballv_flag, nod_flag, nodv_flag
logdti_file: (a file name)
        Filename of output logdti map.
        flag: -logdti2 %s
mask_file: (a file name)
        The image mask
        flag: -mask %s, position: 5
mcmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of multi-compartment model parameter map (-ivim,-ball,-nod)
        flag: -mcmap %s
mdmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of MD map/ADC
        flag: -mdmap %s
mono_flag: (a boolean)
        Input is a single exponential to non-directional data [default with
        no b-vectors]
        flag: -mono, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: ivim_flag, dti_flag, dti_flag2, ball_flag,
         ballv_flag, nod_flag, nodv_flag
nod_flag: (a boolean)
        Input is a NODDI model
        flag: -nod, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, dti_flag2,
         ball_flag, ballv_flag, nodv_flag
nodv_flag: (a boolean)
        Input is a NODDI model with optimised PDD
        flag: -nodv, position: 6
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, dti_flag2,
         ball_flag, ballv_flag, nod_flag
rgbmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of colour FA map.
        flag: -rgbmap %s
syn_file: (a file name)
        Filename of synthetic image. Requires: bvec_file/b0_file.
        flag: -syn %s
        requires: bvec_file, b0_file
v1map_file: (a file name)
        Filename of PDD map [x,y,z]
        flag: -v1map %s


famap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of FA map
logdti_file: (a file name)
        Filename of output logdti map
mcmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of multi-compartment model parameter map (-ivim,-ball,-nod)
mdmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of MD map/ADC
rgbmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of colour FA map
syn_file: (a file name)
        Filename of synthetic image
v1map_file: (a file name)
        Filename of PDD map [x,y,z]


Link to code

Wraps command fit_dwi

Interface for executable fit_dwi from Niftyfit platform.

Use NiftyFit to perform diffusion model fitting.

Diffusion-weighted MR Fitting. Fits DWI parameter maps to multi-shell, multi-directional data.

Source code


>>> from nipype.interfaces import niftyfit
>>> fit_dwi = niftyfit.FitDwi(dti_flag=True)
>>> fit_dwi.inputs.source_file = 'dwi.nii.gz'
>>> fit_dwi.inputs.bvec_file = 'bvecs'
>>> fit_dwi.inputs.bval_file = 'bvals'
>>> fit_dwi.inputs.rgbmap_file = 'rgb.nii.gz'
>>> fit_dwi.cmdline
'fit_dwi -source dwi.nii.gz -bval bvals -bvec bvecs -dti -error dwi_error.nii.gz -famap dwi_famap.nii.gz -mcout dwi_mcout.txt -mdmap dwi_mdmap.nii.gz -nodiff dwi_no_diff.nii.gz -res dwi_resmap.nii.gz -rgbmap rgb.nii.gz -syn dwi_syn.nii.gz -tenmap2 dwi_tenmap2.nii.gz -v1map dwi_v1map.nii.gz'


bval_file: (a file name)
        The file containing the bvalues of the source DWI.
        flag: -bval %s, position: 2
bvec_file: (a file name)
        The file containing the bvectors of the source DWI.
        flag: -bvec %s, position: 3
source_file: (a file name)
        The source image containing the dwi data.
        flag: -source %s, position: 1

acceptance: (a float)
        Fraction of iterations to accept [0.23].
        flag: -accpetance %f
args: (a unicode string)
        Additional parameters to the command
        flag: %s
ball_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit the ball and stick model.
        flag: -ball, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, ballv_flag,
         nod_flag, nodv_flag
ballv_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit the ball and stick model with optimised PDD.
        flag: -ballv, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, ball_flag,
         nod_flag, nodv_flag
cov_file: (a file name)
        Filename of ithe nc*nc covariance matrix [I]
        flag: -cov %s
csf_t2_val: (a float)
        CSF T2 value [400ms].
        flag: -csfT2 %f
diso_val: (a float)
        Isotropic diffusivity for -nod [3e-3]
        flag: -diso %f
dpr_val: (a float)
        Parallel diffusivity for -nod [1.7e-3].
        flag: -dpr %f
dti_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit the tensor model [default with b-vectors].
        flag: -dti, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, ball_flag, ballv_flag,
         nod_flag, nodv_flag
environ: (a dictionary with keys which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str' and with values which are a bytes or None or a value
         of class 'str', nipype default value: {})
        Environment variables
error_file: (a file name)
        Filename of parameter error maps.
        flag: -error %s
famap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of FA map
        flag: -famap %s
gn_flag: (a boolean)
        Use Gauss-Newton algorithm [Levenberg-Marquardt].
        flag: -gn
        mutually_exclusive: wls_flag
ivim_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit IVIM model to non-directional data.
        flag: -ivim, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, dti_flag, ball_flag, ballv_flag,
         nod_flag, nodv_flag
lm_vals: (a tuple of the form: (a float, a float))
        LM parameters (initial value, decrease rate) [100,1.2].
        flag: -lm %f %f
        requires: gn_flag
mask_file: (a file name)
        The image mask
        flag: -mask %s
maxit_val: (an integer (int or long))
        Maximum number of non-linear LSQR iterations [100x2 passes])
        flag: -maxit %d
        requires: gn_flag
mcmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of multi-compartment model parameter map (-ivim,-ball,-nod)
        flag: -mcmap %s
        requires: nodv_flag
mcmaxit: (an integer (int or long))
        Number of iterations to run [10,000].
        flag: -mcmaxit %d
mcout: (a file name)
        Filename of mc samples (ascii text file)
        flag: -mcout %s
mcsamples: (an integer (int or long))
        Number of samples to keep [100].
        flag: -mcsamples %d
mdmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of MD map/ADC
        flag: -mdmap %s
mono_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit single exponential to non-directional data [default with no
        flag: -mono, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: ivim_flag, dti_flag, ball_flag, ballv_flag,
         nod_flag, nodv_flag
nod_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit the NODDI model
        flag: -nod, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, ball_flag,
         ballv_flag, nodv_flag
nodiff_file: (a file name)
        Filename of average no diffusion image.
        flag: -nodiff %s
nodv_flag: (a boolean)
        Fit the NODDI model with optimised PDD
        flag: -nodv, position: 4
        mutually_exclusive: mono_flag, ivim_flag, dti_flag, ball_flag,
         ballv_flag, nod_flag
perf_thr: (a float)
        Threshold for perfusion/diffsuion effects [100].
        flag: -perfthreshold %f
prior_file: (a file name)
        Filename of parameter priors for -ball and -nod.
        flag: -prior %s
res_file: (a file name)
        Filename of model residual map.
        flag: -res %s
rgbmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of colour-coded FA map
        flag: -rgbmap %s
        requires: dti_flag
rot_sform_flag: (an integer (int or long))
        Rotate the output tensors according to the q/s form of the image
        (resulting tensors will be in mm coordinates, default: 0).
        flag: -rotsform %d
slice_no: (an integer (int or long))
        Fit to single slice number.
        flag: -slice %d
swls_val: (a float)
        Use location-weighted least squares for DTI fitting [3x3 Gaussian]
        flag: -swls %f
syn_file: (a file name)
        Filename of synthetic image.
        flag: -syn %s
te_file: (a file name)
        Filename of TEs (ms).
        flag: -TE %s
        mutually_exclusive: te_file
te_value: (a file name)
        Value of TEs (ms).
        flag: -TE %s
        mutually_exclusive: te_file
ten_type: ('lower-tri' or 'diag-off-diag', nipype default value:
        Use lower triangular (tenmap2) or diagonal, off-diagonal tensor
tenmap2_file: (a file name)
        Filename of tensor map [lower tri]
        flag: -tenmap2 %s
        requires: dti_flag
tenmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of tensor map [diag,offdiag].
        flag: -tenmap %s
        requires: dti_flag
v1map_file: (a file name)
        Filename of PDD map [x,y,z]
        flag: -v1map %s
vb_flag: (a boolean)
        Use Variational Bayes fitting with known prior (currently identity
        flag: -vb
voxel: (a tuple of the form: (an integer (int or long), an integer
         (int or long), an integer (int or long)))
        Fit to single voxel only.
        flag: -voxel %d %d %d
wls_flag: (a boolean)
        Use Variational Bayes fitting with known prior (currently identity
        flag: -wls
        mutually_exclusive: gn_flag
wm_t2_val: (a float)
        White matter T2 value [80ms].
        flag: -wmT2 %f


error_file: (a file name)
        Filename of parameter error maps
famap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of FA map
mcmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of multi-compartment model parameter map
mcout: (a file name)
        Filename of mc samples (ascii text file)
mdmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of MD map/ADC
nodiff_file: (a file name)
        Filename of average no diffusion image.
res_file: (a file name)
        Filename of model residual map
rgbmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of colour FA map
syn_file: (a file name)
        Filename of synthetic image
tenmap2_file: (a file name)
        Filename of tensor map [lower tri]
tenmap_file: (a file name)
        Filename of tensor map
v1map_file: (a file name)
        Filename of PDD map [x,y,z]